PS1 - 해당되는 글 11건

스크롤 압박으로 첨부합니다.

무려 800kb가 넘는 메모장 파일이네요.. 이름불명의 일본어판 게임은

링크에서 제품번호로 검색하면 된답니다.

출처: 고전게임사랑 카페


먼저 플스롬 립버젼이란,
용량을 최소화 해서 컴퓨터 에뮬에서 돌릴때 무리 없이 돌릴수 있고
편하게 공유할수 있게끔 (음성삭제 등) 만들어진 롬 이미지이다.

100% 확인 방법으로는 구워서
플스에 넣고 구동시켰을때 플스가 인식을 못하면 ㅡㅡ;;
그건 100% 립버젼이다.

립버젼 구분 방법에는 확실한 방법은 위에꺼 말고는 없지만
대충 추측은 가능하다.

1. 출처가 불분명하다.
2. ISO, bin 이렇게 단일 파일로만 있으면 립버젼일 확률이 높다.
3. 용량이 200메가 밑이다.
   가끔 완전한 파일인데 용량이 작은 게임들도 있지만,
   대부분의 립버젼 롬이미지는 20~180메가 안으로 만들어져 있다.
4. 용량이 적은 LCD단일파일

필자생각이지만 그냥 용량이 작으면 굽는거 보다 그냥 이미지로 에뮬을 돌려
게임을 하고 마는게 낳을지도 모른다. 700메가짜리 씨디에 200메가만 굽기도 아깝고;;

5. 이미지를 마운트(씨디롬에 삽입) 했을때 네임(불륨레벨)이 없다.
궂이 마운트를 안하고 ultra ISO 같은 이미지추출 프로그램으로 확인할 수도 있다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

위와 같은 방법으로 립버젼의 유무를 추측할수 있다.

보통씨디 볼륨라벨은 플스 씨디 번호로 되어있다 ex) SCPS_XXX.XX

ultraISO무설치 다운로드


간혹 bin 파일만 있다던가 img 파일만 있는 경우
구울려고 하면 참 난감하다.

메모장을 열어서 cue을 만들수 도 있지만
그 경우에는 씨디를 굽고 플스에 넣었을때 될지 안될지는 완전 미지수 이다.

cdmage 라는 프로그램으로
cue파일을 생성해보자.

앞에서 말했던 그란디아1 1cd 파일로 설명하도록하겠다.
볼래 cue파일은 다른곳으로 옮겨놓고 bin파일만 있는거로 만들고
cdmage를 실행한다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

빨간네모로 표시되어 있는 오픈 버튼을 누른다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

파일형식을 Raw Image로 맞춘후 꼭이다!!
cue파일을 만들 이미지(bin, img)를 선택

사용자 삽입 이미지

1번의 CDROM 으로 맞추고
2번의 Detect를 누르면

사용자 삽입 이미지
파일명과 확장자가 bin파일에 맞춰서 정해지며 이용자는 저장을 bin파일이 있는곳에 하면된다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

메모장에서 열어서 본 cue파일의 정보이다.
아래 처럼 CDimge로 생성한 파일에는 경로까지 포함되어 있으나,
어짜피 한폴더에 같이 있기 때문에 지우고 다시 저장을 하던가
구운후 삭제를 하더가 상관은 없다. 하지만 계속 이미지로 소장하려면 오리지날처럼
경로를 단일화 하는게 좋다.

CDmage로 cue파일이 생성이 안되는 플스이미지는
아무리 열심히 해서 구워도 플스가 인식할 확률이 아예 적다.

CDmage 다운로드
LCD는 참 말도 많고 탈도 많았다.

ISO파일로 변환도 하고 ISO를 또 다른거로 변환해서 구우라는등
벼라 별 이야기가 많이 있지만 가장 확실한 방법으로는.

먼저 LCD를 CDspace에 삽입하여 인식시킨후
CDspace의 가상씨디롬에서 바로 CD로 복사하거나
이미지를 추출해서 굽는 방법을 가장 추천한다.

스샷없이 설명한다.

a.lcd라는 파일을 굽는다는 가정하에
CDspace 가상롬은 F: 이고
RW 레코딩드라이버는 E: 드라이버라고 하겠다.

먼저 CDspace를 실행후 a.lcd를 삽입한다.
그럼 탐색기에는 F:에 CD가 있는거로 인식한다.
E:에 공CD를 넣고

알콜120% or 클론 3.x 의 프로그램으로
F:드라이브 로부터 이미지를 생성하거나, 복사를 시작한다.

다시한번 말하지만
압축된 LCD파일은 아무리 구워도 플스에서는 인식 할 수 가 없다.
공연히 공CD낭비이다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

LCD가 출시 되고 몇달 있다가
한 개발자가 만든 프리웨어 소프트 이다.
3.0부터는 이상한 레코딩 프로그램으로 변질 되어 버렸다 ㅡㅡ;;

현재 듀플러는 구하기 힘든거로 알고있다;;

당당히 본 블로그에 설치 파일과 기타 파일을 올릴 예정이다.

필자가 LCD이미지가 없어서
한국에서 개발한 소프트 이기도 하고
간단하게 순서만 적어놨다. 양해를 바라며

1.이미지파일로부터 라는 탭을 클릭
2.찾아보기로 lcd이미지가 있는 경로로 가서 선택
3.비어있는 CD로 복사 탭 클릭
4.복사 시작.

간단하게 LCD를 구울수 있다.

허나 앞에서 말한 CD이미지 구분법에서 압축된 lcd이미지 라면
아무리 구워도 플스가 인식을 할수가 없다.

듀플러2.7 다운로드


클론씨디가 만들어 졌을때, 락까지 복사한다해서 많이 애용하였었다.
허나 이상하게도 4.0의 버젼에서는 플스씨디를 이미지 생성하거나,
구웠을 경우 플스가 인식을 못하는 경우가 잦았다.

그래서 공유하는 사람들은 대부분 cloneCD 3.X버젼을 애용하였다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

클론씨디3.3 실행 화면이다.
친절히도 한글을 지원한다.
프로그램 설치시 korean.lng 파일을 선택하여 주면 된다.
한글화가 별 필요없는 프로그램이다;;;
본인 등록하였다 Guy라는 사용자로.

GUI로 알기 쉽게 버튼화 되어있다.

우리는 이미지를 cd로 굽는 거기 때문에
두번째 버튼인 데이타 =>CD 를 선택한다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

찾아보기를 클릭하여
플스롬 이미지가 있는 경로로 찾아가서 *.ccd파일을 선택하여 준후

사용자 삽입 이미지

공씨디를 장치에 삽입하고
CD레코더를 선택 후 다른 옵션은 건들지 말고
확인을 눌러주면

레코딩 게이지바가 보인다.
100%가 되었을때

따끈한 플스롬을 만질수 있따.

클론3.3 다운로드

사용자 삽입 이미지

알콜120% 실행 화면이다.
실행후 이미지 기록 마법사
(위에 빨간네모안을 클릭)

사용자 삽입 이미지

마법사 실행 화면이다.
이미지 파일 찾기를 클릭 후

사용자 삽입 이미지
 다운로드한 플스 이미지 파일을 선택한다
알콜이 좋은 점은 거의 모든 이미지 파일 레코딩을 지원 한다는 점이다.
앞에서 말한 플스롬 이미지 구분에서 LCD빼고는 전부 알콜로 레코딩할수 있다.

필자는 그란디아1 cd1의 cue파일을 선택하였다.
선택후 열기
그후 마법사의 다음 화면을 클릭한다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

가장 중요한 포인트 이다.
데이터 형식을 Play Station 으로 꼭꼭 맞춰주고
시작을 누르면 된다.
공씨디가 삽입 안되어 잇으면 경고 메세지가 뜨게 된다.

쓰기 속도에 대해 말이 많은데 머 2x으로 해야된다 이런건 다 루머이다.
최고로 레코딩을 하여도 되는건 되고 안되는건 안될뿐.

레코딩이 완성되면
따끈한 플스롬이 완성되며
이제 플스로 즐기기만 하면된다.

알콜120% 다운로드

한때 플스롬 공유가 유행인 때가 있었다.
초고속인터넷이 보편화 되고, 인터넷 디스크가 생기고, 이러면서
대용량자료의 공유가 시작될때 쯤 플스롬공유도 유행이 되었었다.
물론 불법..

어느 인기있는 사이트, 이곳에서는 웹으로 다운받을수 있게
압축하여 플스롬을 다운로드 할수 있게도 했었다.

그리고 팝폴더나 개인 메신져로 공유

이 때다 싶어 많은 플스 유저들이 롬을 씨디로 소장하기 위해 이미지를 구워놓으려고
애를 쓰며 FAQ게시판이나 자유게시판등에 레코딩관련 문의가 쇄도하여 만들었던게
필자가 운영하던 홈페이지였는데.. 계정문제로 모든 자료가 다 날아가서
몇년이 지난 지금 다시금 부활시키려한다.
공유 되고 있는 이미지들의 확장자에 대해 우선 알아보자.
플스롬 공유로 가장 인기가 있었던 이미지는 클론씨디 이미지 이다.
이렇게 세개의 파일이 하나의 이미지이다.
3개중 하나만 없어도 구울수가 없다.
어떤 파일이 누락되었네요 라고 글이 막 올라오고 그랬었다.

두번째로 인기 있었던 이미지는 표준iso이미지 파일인
*.iso 이다.
이 파일은 컴퓨터에서 에뮬로 돌릴때 구지 가상씨디롬을 이용안하고도
파일자체로 에뮬을 구동할 수 있었지만
대부분 립버젼이 많았고,
립버젼은 이미지를 씨디로 구웠을때 플스에서 작동하지 않는다.

세번째 로는 cue-sheet 파일로
이렇게 두개의 파일이 하나의 씨디롬이다.
cue파일에는 씨디 간략정보가 bin파일에는 씨디 데이터가 있다.
cue파일이 없어도 bin파일을 구울수 있지만 플스에서 못읽을 확률이 배로 늘어버린다.
괜히 파일이 두개인게 아니다.

네번째로는 cdspace 이미지 인데,
참 문제가 많은 이미지이다.
가상씨디롬 vcd fcd 등이 유행되어질때 한국에서 나온 소프트
씨디에 있는 락까지 복사해서 참 유용한 프로그램이였지만
플스롬 공유에는 안좋다.
그 이유인 즉
lcd 이미지 생성시 파일용량을 줄이기 위해 씨디스페이스에서는
음성파일,음악트랙, 등을 따로 추출해서 mp3파일+lcd파일로 생성된다.
하지만 공유되는 파일에는 mp3파일이 없다는거~~~
굽는데고 까다롭거니와 구워도 플스에서 인식을 못한다.

최근에 들어서 공유되고 있는 파일에는
알콜이미지도 있다.
유행당시에는 알콜프로그램이 없었다. 필자가 애용하는 프로그램이다.
이렇게 두게의 파일로 구성되어 있다.

필자가 테스트한 결과를 토대로 작성한 글이며
테스트로 인해 날린 공cd만 백여장이 넘는다 ㅡㅡ
cd-rw로 구웠다 지웠다 하며 테스트를 하면 되지 않느냐고 말하는 분이 있을지 모르겠지만
플스는 rw cd를 읽을수 없다 ;;;;

사용자 삽입 이미지

 메인 프로세서 :

 R3000A (32 비트 RISC) - 38.8688 Mhz

 메모리 :

 28 메가 비트 :
 메인램(16 메가 비트) + 비디오램(8 메가 비트) + 사운드램(4메가 비트)

 최대 표시색 :

 1667 만색

 해상도 :

 256x224 , 640x480

 사운드 :

 PCM 음원 24 채널, 44.1Khz CD 사운드 트랙

 소프트웨어 매체 :


 발매시기 :

 1994년 12월

필자의 기억으로는 cd롬 배속이 2X으로 기억한다.

SCPS_100.13 ;  ?
SCPS_100.18 ;  Motor Toon Grand Prix 2
SCPS_100.19 ;  Motor Toon Grand Prix 2
SCPS_100.23 ;  Popolocrois
SCPS_100.24 ;  Victory Zone 2
SCPS_100.25 ;  Victory Zone 2
SCPS_100.27 ;  Velldeselba
SCPS_100.28 ;  Wild Arms  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.29 ;  Intelligent Qube  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.30 ;  ? | fighting | Sony 1996
SCPS_100.31 ;  Crash Bandicoot  /  Sony/Naughty Dog 1996
SCPS_100.32 ;  Princess Maker: Faery Tales Come True  /  Sony/Gainax 1997
SCPS_100.33 ;  Pet in TV ?  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.34 ;  ? (Improved)  /  Sony/Locus/Soliton 1997
SCPS_100.35 ;  Alundra  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.36 ;  Pet in TV ?  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.37 ;  Crime Crackers 2  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.38 ;  Elemental Gearbolt  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.39 ;  Linda^3 Again  /  Sony/Mars/NEC 1997
SCPS_100.40 ;  Arc the Lad: Monster Game with Casino Game  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.42 ;  ? Golf | Hot Shot Golf | Sony 1997
SCPS_100.43 ;  Ghost in the Shell  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.45 ;  Gran Turismo  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.46 ;  The Granstream Saga  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_100.47 ;  Crash Bandicoot 2: Coltex Strikes Back  /  Sony/Naughty Dog 1997
SCPS_100.48 ;  ? | rpg | Sony 1997
SCPS_100.49 ;  Zero Pilot: Fighter of Silver Wing  /  Sony/Soliton/Electronic Arts/Origin 1998
SCPS_100.51 ;  XI [sai]  /  Sony 1998
SCPS_100.53 ;  Double Cast  /  Sony 1998
SCPS_100.56 ;  ? | scps_.10056-7 | Sony 1998
SCPS_100.58 ;  Great Peak  /  Sony/Arc Entertainment 1998
SCPS_100.60 ;  Rapid Racer  /  Sony 1997
SCPS_180.02 ;  PaRappa The Rapper  /  Sony/Interlink 1996
SCPS_180.03 ;  Depth  /  Sony/Zen 1996
SCPS_180.04 ;  Quest for Fame  /  Sony/Virtual Music Entertainment 1997
SCPS_180.06 ;  Baby Universe | 3d kaleidoscope | Sony 1997
SCPS_180.07 ;  Stolen Song  /  Sony/Virtual Music Entertainment 1998
SCPS_180.09 ;  Stolen Song  /  Sony/Virtual Music Entertainment 1998
SCPS_190.01 ;  Space Adventure COBRA: The Psychogun Vol. 1 | Playstation Comic | Sony 1998
SCPS_190.02 ;  Space Adventure COBRA: The Psychogun Vol. 2 | Playstation Comic | Sony 1998
SCPS_190.03 ;  Carol the Dark Angel | Playstation Comic | Sony/Syufo 1998
SCPS_910.57 ;  Crash Bandicoot | PS the Best | Universal/Naugty Dog
SCPS_910.68 ;  Intelligent Qube | PS the Best | Sony 1997
SCPS_910.70 ;  PaRappa the Rappa | PS the Best | Sony 1998
SCPS_910.71 ;  Arc the Lad II | PS the Best | Sony/ARC Entertainment 1997
SIPS_600.01 ;  Destruction Derby  /  Psygnosis 1995
SIPS_600.04 ;  ESPN Street Games  /  Sony 1995
SIPS_600.06 ;  Mortal Kombat 3  /  Sony 1995
SIPS_600.08 ;  Total NBA '96  /  Sony 1996
SIPS_600.11 ;  Formula 1  /  Psygnosis 1996
SIPS_600.12 ;  Destruction Derby 2  /  Psygnosis 1996
SIPS_600.15 ;  Total NBA '97  /  Sony 1997
SIPS_600.16 ;  Porsche Challenge  /  Sony 1997
SIPS_600.18 ;  NHL PowerRink '97  /  Sony 1996
SIPS_600.19 ;  Street Games '97  /  Sony 1996
SIPS_600.20 ;  Jet Moto  /  Sony 1996
SIPS_600.21 ;  Twisted Metal EX  /  Sony 1996
SIPS_600.22 ;  Rally Cross  /  Sony 1997
SIPS_600.23 ;  Formula 1 97  /  Psygnosis
SIPS_600.27 ;  Nightmare Creatures  /  Sony/Kalisto 1997
SLPM_800.53 ;  Aubirdforce  /  Bandai
SLPM_860.01 ;  Private Collection  /  Konami 1996
SLPM_860.05 ;  ? | vx036-j1 columns | Konami 1996
SLPM_860.08 ;  Forever With Me | Parodius shooter? | Konami 1996
SLPM_860.11 ;  NBA Powerdunkers 2 | VX037-J1 | Konami 1996
SLPM_860.12 ;  Breeding Stud | VX020-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.13 ;  Speed King | VX025-J1 | Konami 1996
SLPM_860.14 ;  ? | VX034-J1 shogi | Konami 1996
SLPM_860.15 ;  ? | VX039-J1 fighting | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.16 ;  Paro Wars | VX038-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.17 ;  Genso Suikoden | VX005-J2 | Konami 1996
SLPM_860.18 ;  Pro-Logic Mah-Jong Hai-Shin  /  Square/Ques 1997
SLPM_860.19 ;  Super Live Stadium | baseball | Square/Ques 1998
SLPM_860.20 ;  Bushido Blade  /  SquareSoft 1997
SLPM_860.21 ;  Henry Explorers | VX044-J1 (Crypt Killers?) | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.22 ;  Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 | VX207-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.24 ;  Pawafuru Proyakyu 97 | VX050-J1 Powerful Pro Baseball 97 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.25 ;  Lethal Enforcers Deluxe Pack  /  Konami 1997
SLPM_860.28 ;  Final Fantasy VII  /  SquareSoft 1997
SLPM_860.30 ;  ? | VX011-J2 Goemon/Mystical Ninja | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.31 ;  Parodius Deluxe Pack | VX003-J2 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.33 ;  Tobal 2  /  SquareSoft 1997
SLPM_860.34 ;  Pointers Point | VX047-J1 Poy Poy | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.35 ;  World Soccer Winning Eleven '97 | VX066-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.36 ;  ?  /  Konami 1997
SLPM_860.37 ;  Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus | VX057-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.38 ;  Digital League  /  Square/Ques/Now Poduction 1997
SLPM_860.39 ;  ? | VX069-J1 adventure | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.41 ;  Street Fighter EX plus Alpha  /  Capcom/Akira 1997
SLPM_860.42 ;  Gradius Gaiden | VX087-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.43 ;  Hard Blow  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPM_860.44 ;  Break Point | VX080-J1 | Konami/Ocean 1996
SLPM_860.45 ;  ? | shogi | Hect/Natsu System 1997
SLPM_860.46 ;  Jikkyou American Baseball | VX063-J1 | Konami 1998
SLPM_860.47 ;  Other Life Azure Dreams | VX035-J1 rpg | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.48 ;  Policenauts | VX028-J2/slpm_.86048~9 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.50 ;  Power Stakes Grade 1  /  Square/Ques 1997
SLPM_860.51 ;  Magical Drop III - Yokubari Tokudaigou!  /  Data East 1996
SLPM_860.52 ;  Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 1 | VX120-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.53 ;  Forever With You | VX009-J2 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.54 ;  ? Deluxe Pack | VX012-J2 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.55 ;  J.League Winning Eleven 3 | VX079-J1| Konami 1997
SLPM_860.56 ;  Nagano Winter Olympics '98 | VX072-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.60 ;  NBA Powerdunkers 3 | VX075-J1 | Konami 1998
SLPM_860.61 ;  Poitter's Point 2 | Poy Poy 2 VX091-J1 | Konami 1998
SLPM_860.62 ;  Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 2 | VX121-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.63 ;  New Type Action Game NOON  /  Microcabin/Kouji Oono 1996
SLPM_860.65 ;  Broken Helix | VX030-J1 | Konami 1998
SLPM_860.66 ;  Hai-Shin-2  /  Square/Ques
SLPM_860.67 ;  Vandal Hearts | VX040-J2 | Konami/KCET 1998
SLPM_860.68 ;  Mitsumete Knight | VX059-J1 | Konami/Red 1998
SLPM_860.69 ;  ? 2 | shogi | Magical Company 1998
SLPM_860.70 ;  ? Vol. 2 | VX076-J1 | Konami 1998
SLPM_860.72 ;  Konami Antiques: MSX Collection Vol. 3 | VX122-J1 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.73 ;  Dracula X - Nocturne in the Moonlight | VX010-J2 | Konami 1997
SLPM_860.74 ;  Susume! Taisen Pazurudama | VX027-J2 | Konami 1998
SLPM_860.76 ;  Yoshimura Shogi | VX074-J1 | Konami/KCET 1998
SLPM_860.77 ;  TwinBee Role Playing Game | VX060-J1 | Konami/KCET 1998
SLPM_860.79 ;  Power Stakes 2  /  Square/Ques
SLPM_860.80 ;  Jun Classic C.C. & Rope Club   /  T&E Soft 1998
SLPM_860.81 ;  Final Fantasy V  /  SquareSoft 1998
SLPM_860.82 ;  ? | mahjong | Hect/Natsu-System 1998
SLPM_860.85 ;  Realbout Special Dominated Mind  /  SNK 1998
SLPM_860.86 ;  World Soccer Winning Eleven 3: World Cup France '98 | VX054-J1 | Konami 1998
SLPM_860.90 ;  Realbout Special Dominated Mind CD-ROM2 | slpm_.96090~1 | SNK 1998
SLPM_860.96 ;  Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capsule Breed and Battle | VX210-J1 | Konami/KCE Sninjuku 1998
SLPS_000.08 ;  Metal Jacket  /  Pony Canyon/Solan 1995
SLPS_000.14 ;  ? | mahjong | Electronic Arts/Chatnoir 1994
SLPS_000.17 ;  King's Field  /  From Software 1994
SLPS_000.23 ;  Cyber Sled  /  Namcot 1994
SLPS_000.28 ;  Jigsaw World  /  Nippon Ichi/Prism 1995
SLPS_000.30 ;  ? | mahjong, shogi, othello, go | Sunsoft/Success/Chat Noir/Alpha Beta/Itsui 1995
SLPS_000.33 ;  Boxer's Road  /  New Corp 1995
SLPS_000.34 ;  Zeitgeist  /  Taito 1995
SLPS_000.35 ;  Mobile Suit Gundam  /  Bandai 1995
SLPS_000.36 ;  Vampire: The Night Warriors | Darkstalkers | Capcom 1996
SLPS_000.39 ;  Doki Doki  /  Family Soft 1995
SLPS_000.44 ;  ? | columns style | Sunsoft/Success 1995
SLPS_000.47 ;  Missland  /  Altron 1995
SLPS_000.53 ;  ? 2 Plus | horse game | Hect 1995
SLPS_000.54 ;  UFO ?  /  Clary 1996
SLPS_000.58 ;  ? | mahjong | Seta/Yohsuke Ide 1995
SLPS_000.59 ;  Kiwame | shogi | Log 1995
SLPS_000.60 ;  The Aquanaut's Holiday  /  Artdink
SLPS_000.61 ;  Ace Combat  /  Namco 1995
SLPS_000.63 ;  ? 95 | horse racing | Copya System 1995
SLPS_000.65 ;  Forever With You  /  Konami 1995
SLPS_000.68 ;  J.League Winning Eleven  /  Konami 1995
SLPS_000.71 ;  3X3 Eyes | slps_.-00071-2 | Xing
SLPS_000.73 ;  Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22  /  Bandai 1995
SLPS_000.74 ;  Sparrow Garden  /  Namco 1995
SLPS_000.75 ;  Baseball? EX | baseball | Namco 1996
SLPS_000.77 ;  ? | digital movie puzzle game | Argent 1995
SLPS_000.79 ;  Prime Goal EX  /  Namco 1995
SLPS_000.82 ;  Pitagraph  /  Datam Polystar/Success/Ontsu Soft 1995
SLPS_000.83 ;  Zero Divide  /  Zoom 1995
SLPS_000.84 ;  Toukon Retsuden | King of Sports New Japan Pro Wrestling | Tomy 1995
SLPS_000.85 ;  Lime ? Special Collection Vol. 2  /  Asmik/Silence/Xing 1995
SLPS_000.87 ;  The Perfect Golf  /  Seta/Nasa Corp 1995
SLPS_000.88 ;  Ground Stroke | Advanced Tennis Game | SPS 1995
SLPS_000.89 ;  ? | rpg | Nippon Ichi Software/Prism 1995
SLPS_000.90 ;  ? | shogi | Konami 1995
SLPS_000.91 ;  Exector  /  Arc System Works 1995
SLPS_000.92 ;  King of Bowling  /  Coconuts Japan 1995
SLPS_000.94 ;  Interactive Movie Action: "Thunder Storm" and "Road Blaster" | slps_.00094~5 | Ecseco/DataEast 1995
SLPS_000.96 ;  ? THE ? | Shanghai/Rong Rng/Shikinjioh | Sunsoft/Activision/Scap Trust/Nakanihon Wreath 1995
SLPS_000.97 ;  Genso Suikoden  /  Konami 1995
SLPS_000.98 ;  Ray Tracers  /  Taito 1996
SLPS_001.00 ;  ? Deluxe Pack! | Parodius? | Konami 1995
SLPS_001.01 ;  ? | slot machine | Human/Universal
SLPS_001.04 ;  Gouketuji Chizoku 2 | fighting game | Atlus 1995
SLPS_001.05 ;  Total Eclipse Turbo  /  Crystal Dynamics 1995
SLPS_001.12 ;  ? | pachinko | Sunsoft 1996
SLPS_001.20 ;  Creature Shock  /  Data East 1996
SLPS_001.42 ;  ? | shogi | Electronic Arts 1995
SLPS_001.54 ;  Snatcher  /  Konami 1996
SLPS_001.56 ;  Sidewinder  /  Asmik 1996
SLPS_001.63 ;  ? | girl | Coconuts Japan
SLPS_001.67 ;  Race Drivin' a GO! GO!  /  Time Warner
SLPS_001.68 ;  Chaos Control  /  Virgin/Infogrames 1995
SLPS_001.78 ;  The Match Golf  /  Zoom-X/Marble 1997
SLPS_001.99 ;  NBA Jam Tournament Edition  /  Acclaim/Midway 1995
SLPS_002.01 ;  ?  /  DataEast
SLPS_002.02 ;  ? | maze | Sanyo/Octagon Entertainment 1996
SLPS_002.06 ;  Blockids  /  Athena 1996
SLPS_002.07 ;  Ring of Sias  /  Athena 1996
SLPS_002.08 ;  Advanced V.G. | Advanced Variable Geo | TGL 1996
SLPS_002.09 ;  Namco Museum Vol. 2  /  Namco 1995
SLPS_002.10 ;  Namco Museum Vol. 2  /  Namco 1995
SLPS_002.13 ;  ? 2 | board games (shogi, go, chess, etc) | Sunsoft 1996
SLPS_002.14 ;  ? | kids platform | Media Entertainment 1996
SLPS_002.17 ;  ? | Goemon/Mystical Ninja | Konami 1996
SLPS_002.20 ;  CRW Counter Revolution War  /  Acclaim
SLPS_002.21 ;  NFL Quarterback Club 97  /  Acclaim 1996
SLPS_002.38 ;  ? Special | mahjong | Naxat Soft/Chatnoir 1996
SLPS_002.40 ;  Jewel of the Oracle  /  Sunsoft/Discis/ELOI 1996
SLPS_002.44 ;  Gex  /  BMG/Crystal Dynamics 1996
SLPS_002.46 ;  SlamDragon  /  Jaleco 1996
SLPS_002.47 ;  King of Stallion  /  Nichibutsu/Nihon Bussan 1996
SLPS_002.49 ;  Deception ? | trap simulation game | Tecmo 1996
SLPS_002.50 ;  Drift King  /  Genki/Bullet-Proof Software 1996
SLPS_002.51 ;  Disc World  /  Psygnosis 1996
SLPS_002.56 ;  World Cup Golf  /  Coconuts/U.S. Gold 1996
SLPS_002.57 ;  X-COM  /  Spectrum Holobyte/MicroProse 1995
SLPS_002.59 ;  Resurrection: Rise 2  /  Acclaim/Mirage 1996
SLPS_002.62 ;  ? Super S | Sailor Moon | Angel 1996
SLPS_002.64 ;  Sankyo Fever | pachinko | Sankyo 1996
SLPS_002.65 ;  No-appointment Gals Olympos | fighting | Human 1996
SLPS_002.66 ;  Shanghai: Great Moments  /  Sunsoft/Activision 1996
SLPS_002.67 ;  Deadheat Road  /  Nichibutsu/Nihon Bussan 1996
SLPS_002.68 ;  Logic Puzzle Game Rainbow Town  /  Human 1996
SLPS_002.69 ;  Air Management '96  /  Koei 1996
SLPS_002.70 ;  Galaxian 3  /  Namco 1995
SLPS_002.71 ;  Zork I: The Great Underground Empire  /  Shoeisha/Activision
SLPS_002.72 ;  World Soccer Winning Eleven  /  Konami 1996
SLPS_002.73 ;  Crossworld  /  M2 Co.
SLPS_002.74 ;  Not Treasure Hunter  /  Acti-Art 1996
SLPS_002.76 ;  Syussemajyan Daisettai | mahjong | King Records/Kamui
SLPS_002.79 ;  C1 Circuit  /
SLPS_002.82 ;  ? 2086  /  Tenky/Imagineer 1996
SLPS_002.84 ;  Puzzle Bobble 2  /  Taito 1996
SLPS_002.85 ;  Tokyo Shadow | slps_.00285~7 | Taito 1996
SLPS_002.90 ;  Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai II Limited | slps_.00290~2 | Jaleco 1996
SLPS_002.94 ;  NuPa Numeric Paint Puzzle  /  Tomy 1996
SLPS_002.95 ;  Mach Go! Go! Go! | Speed Racer | Tomy 1996
SLPS_002.96 ;  Killing Zone  /  Naxat Soft 1996
SLPS_002.97 ;  Actua Soccer  /  Naxat Soft/Gremlin 1996
SLPS_002.98 ;  Actua Golf  /  Naxat Soft/Gremlin 1997
SLPS_002.99 ;  Player's Spirit  /  OZ Club/SystemSoft 1996
SLPS_003.00 ;  Tekken 2  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_003.03 ;  Gradius Deluxe Pack  /  Konami 1996
SLPS_003.04 ;  Noel Special Edition | slps_.00304~5 | Pioneer 1996
SLPS_003.06 ;  ?  /  Coconuts Japan
SLPS_003.07 ;  Sonic Wings Special  /  MediaQuest/Video System 1996
SLPS_003.08 ;  Doom  /  GT Interactive/Williams/id/Soft Bank
SLPS_003.11 ;  Circuit Beat  /  Prism Arts 1996
SLPS_003.13 ;  ? | columns | Seibu Kaihatsu 1996
SLPS_003.14 ;  Novastorm | slps_.00314~5 | Psygnosis 1995
SLPS_003.16 ;  Noel Not Digital  /  Pioneer 1996
SLPS_003.21 ;  Tetris X  /  Elong
SLPS_003.23 ;  Neo Planet  /  Map Japan 1995
SLPS_003.25 ;  The Hive Wars  /  Trimark/KSS 1996
SLPS_003.28 ;  ? | mahjong | Capcom 1996
SLPS_003.29 ;  Extreme Power  /  Profire 1996
SLPS_003.31 ;  The Chessmaster  /  Altron/Mindscape 1996
SLPS_003.32 ;  Alien Trilogy  /  Acclaim/Fox Interactive 1995
SLPS_003.33 ;  Bonogurashi  /  ? 1996
SLPS_003.34 ;  Tukai!! Slot | shooting | Shoeisha 1996
SLPS_003.35 ;  ? Plus | multi-game | Athena 1996
SLPS_003.38 ;  Virtual ? | fighting? | Culture Brain
SLPS_003.40 ;  Fighting Illusion: K-1 Grand Prix  /  Xing Entertainment 1996
SLPS_003.42 ;  Expert  /  Nichibutsu/Nihon Bussan 1996
SLPS_003.43 ;  Idol Promotion: Yumie Suzuki  /  Allumer 1996
SLPS_003.45 ;  ? 2 | paint | Sunsoft
SLPS_003.46 ;  PAL | rpg | ? 1995
SLPS_003.47 ;  Pandora Project: The Logic Master  /  N. K. System/Team Bughouse 1996
SLPS_003.49 ;  Dungeon Creator  /  Electronic Arts 1996
SLPS_003.50 ;  Samurai Shodown 3  /  SNK 1995
SLPS_003.51 ;  The King of Fighters '95  /  SNK 1995
SLPS_003.52 ;  Vadims  /  Soft Bank 1996
SLPS_003.53 ;  Block Kuzushi  /  Island Creations 1996
SLPS_003.55 ;  Dragon Ball Z Legends  /  Bandai 1996
SLPS_003.56 ;  Seabass Fishing  /  Victor/A wave 1996
SLPS_003.58 ;  Formula Circus  /  Nihan Bussan/Nichibutsu 1997
SLPS_003.59 ;  Meru Purana  /  Gust 1996
SLPS_003.60 ;  Super Pang Collection | Bomping World, Super Pang, Pang 3 | Capcom 1996
SLPS_003.61 ;  CityBravo!  /  Altron 1996
SLPS_003.62 ;  ? | mahjong | Gaps Inc 1996
SLPS_003.63 ;  Incredible Toons  /  Capcom/Dynamix 1996
SLPS_003.64 ;  ? | mahjong | Warashi
SLPS_003.65 ;  True Pinball  /  Gaga/Ocean/Digital Illusions 1996
SLPS_003.66 ;  ? | boat racing | Seta 1996
SLPS_003.69 ;  ? | Fist of Northstar ? | Banpresto 1996
SLPS_003.70 ;  Dungeon Creator (new disc?)  /  Electronic Arts 1996
SLPS_003.72 ;  Victory Spike  /  Imagineer 1996
SLPS_003.73 ;  Masters Augusta USA  /  Soft Bank/T&ESoft 1996
SLPS_003.74 ;  Silhouette Stories  /  Kaneko 1996
SLPS_003.75 ;  ? | puzzle | GenSoft 1996
SLPS_003.76 ;  Little Big Adventure: Twinsen's Adventure  /  Electronic Arts/Adeline 1996
SLPS_003.77 ;  King's Field 3  /  From Software 1996
SLPS_003.79 ;  ? | shogi | Mycom 1996
SLPS_003.80 ;  Ayrton Senna Kart Duel  /  Gaps 1996
SLPS_003.81 ;  Fortune Quest  /  MediaWorks
SLPS_003.82 ;  Fortune Quest  /  MediaWorks
SLPS_003.83 ;  Time Gal & ? | slps_.00383~4 | Taito 1996
SLPS_003.85 ;  Over Galaxian  /  Bandai/Namco 1996
SLPS_003.86 ;  Macross Digital Mission VF-X  /  Bandai/Big West/Emotion 1997
SLPS_003.87 ;  ?  /  Spectrum Holobyte/Callisto 1996
SLPS_003.88 ;  TurfWind '96  /  Jaleco 1996
SLPS_003.89 ;  NBA Live '96  /  Electronic Arts/EA Sports 1996
SLPS_003.90 ;  Namco Museum Vol. 3  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_003.91 ;  ?  /  Tonkinhouse/Will 1996
SLPS_003.92 ;  OverBlood  /  Riverhillsoft 1996
SLPS_003.93 ;  M(emu) Kimi Wo Tsutaete  /  Nexus/Dazz 1996
SLPS_003.94 ;  Spot Goes to Hollywood  /  Virgin 1995
SLPS_003.95 ;  Hyper 3D Pinball  /  Virgin/NMS 1996
SLPS_003.96 ;  CyberSpeed  /  Gaga/Mindscape
SLPS_003.97 ;  Dracula Detective | slps_.00397~8 | ASCII Soft/System Sacom 1996
SLPS_003.99 ;  Quantum Gate I  /  Gaga/HyperBole Studios 1995
SLPS_004.00 ;  Tobal No. 1 | slps_.00400~1 | SquareSoft 1996
SLPS_004.02 ;  Kiwame Plus | mahjong | Athena 1995
SLPS_004.03 ;  Studio P 3D Graphics & Sequencer  /  Argent 1996
SLPS_004.04 ;  ? S  /  Banpresto 1996
SLPS_004.05 ;  Twilight Syndrome  /  Human 1996
SLPS_004.06 ;  Aquanaut's Holiday: Memories of Summer 1996  /  Artdink 1996
SLPS_004.07 ;  Strikers 1945  /  Atlus/Psikyo 1996
SLPS_004.08 ;  Lake Masters  /  Nexus/Dazz 1996
SLPS_004.09 ;  Pukunpa School for School Girl | columns | Athena
SLPS_004.10 ;  Nanatsu No Hikan  /  Koei
SLPS_004.13 ;  Pachinko Daisuki  /  Seta 1996
SLPS_004.14 ;  Shingata Kururin Pa! | action puzzle | Sky Think 1996
SLPS_004.15 ;  Street Fighter Zero 2  /  Capcom 1996
SLPS_004.16 ;  Lup*Salad  /  Datami Polystar/Fupac 1996
SLPS_004.17 ;  RacinGroovy  /  Sammy 1997
SLPS_004.18 ;  The Open Golf History of Turnberry  /  Banpresto 1996
SLPS_004.19 ;  Shock Wave  /  Electronic Arts 1996
SLPS_004.21 ;  ? | shogi | Banpresto 1996
SLPS_004.22 ;  Gotha II  /  Micronet/Koei 1996
SLPS_004.23 ;  ?  /  Koei 1996
SLPS_004.24 ;  ZXE-D Legend of Plasmatlite  /  Bandai 1996
SLPS_004.25 ;  Sankyo Fever | pachinko | Sankyo/Japan Vistec 1996
SLPS_004.26 ;  Slam & Jam '96  /  BMG/Crystal Dynamics 1996
SLPS_004.27 ;  ?  /  Hokusho/Angel 1995
SLPS_004.28 ;  ARE!MO KORE?MO MOMOTARO  /  System Sacom Group Tac 1996
SLPS_004.30 ;  Tonzura Kun  /  Pony Canyon 1996
SLPS_004.31 ;  Steeldom  /  Technosoft 1996
SLPS_004.32 ;  ? - ? | columns | Tomy/Tomcat System 1996
SLPS_004.33 ;  International Moto-X  /  Coconuts Japan/GraftGold 1996
SLPS_004.36 ;  Toaplan Shooting Battle 1 | Tiger-Heli/? Tiger/Twin Cobra | Banpresto/Toaplan 1996
SLPS_004.37 ;  PO'ed  /  Coconuts/Accolade
SLPS_004.38 ;  ? | (rpg w/ orange chicken thing) | VAP 1996
SLPS_004.39 ;  ? | 3d puzzle - stack blocks | Play Avenue/Kan's 1996
SLPS_004.40 ;  ? | fishing | Shogakukan 1996
SLPS_004.41 ;  ? | Monkey King platform game | Aicom 1996
SLPS_004.42 ;  Nyan To Wonderful | dog/cat game | Banpresto 1996
SLPS_004.43 ;  Yellow Brick Road  /  Acclaim 1995
SLPS_004.44 ;  Mortal Kombat II  /  Acclaim/Midway 1996
SLPS_004.45 ;  Tournament Leader  /  Victor/Core Design 1996
SLPS_004.47 ;  Nazo-Oh  /  Bandai Visual/Emotion Digital Software 1996
SLPS_004.48 ;  WWII ?  /  Koei 1996
SLPS_004.49 ;  Virtual Pro-Wrestling  /  Asmik 1996
SLPS_004.50 ;  Smash Court  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_004.51 ;  ? | Xing/AIC-Pioneer 1996
SLPS_004.53 ;  Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball  /  Acclaim 1996
SLPS_004.54 ;  Crazy Chase 2 | Kid Klown in Crazy Chase 2: Love Love ? | Kemco 1996
SLPS_004.55 ;  Iron Man/X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal  /  Acclaim 1996
SLPS_004.56 ;  Cool Boarders  /  UEP Systems 1996
SLPS_004.58 ;  Simulation Zoo  /  CME/Softbank 1996
SLPS_004.59 ;  Big Challenge Golf  /  VAP 1996
SLPS_004.60 ;  ?-CoCo  /  Planning Office WADA 1996
SLPS_004.61 ;  3D Mission Shooting Finalist | Tunnel B-1 | Gaga/Ocean 1996
SLPS_004.62 ;  Hyper-Rally  /  Harvest One 1996
SLPS_004.63 ;  Fish-Eyes  /  Pack-In-Video 1996
SLPS_004.64 ;  Battle Bugs  /  Sierra/Epyx 1996
SLPS_004.65 ;  ? 15 | Olympic Games Collection Atlanta 1996 | U.S. Gold 1996
SLPS_004.66 ;  Tetris Plus  /  Jaleco 1996
SLPS_004.67 ;  Super Casino Special  /  Coconuts Japan 1996
SLPS_004.68 ;  Stakes Winner - G1 ?  /  Saurus 1996
SLPS_004.72 ;  Stone Walkers  /  Sunsoft 1996
SLPS_004.73 ;  ? Japan Graffiti | jigsaw puzzle | Nippon Ichi 1996
SLPS_004.74 ;  Sangokushi Returns  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_004.75 ;  ? 3D Puzzle Cinema | sokoban? | Itochu/Thinking Rabbit 1996
SLPS_004.76 ;  Spectral Tower  /  Idea Factory 1996
SLPS_004.77 ;  Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger | slps_.00477~80 / 4CD | Electronic Arts 1996
SLPS_004.81 ;  Ogre Battle: Episode 5 "The March of the Black Queen"  /  Artdink/Quest 1996
SLPS_004.83 ;  ? | rpg | Takara 1996
SLPS_004.85 ;  Nitoshinden | Battle Arena | Takara 1996
SLPS_004.86 ;  ShellShock  /  Electronic Arts/Core Design 1996
SLPS_004.87 ;  StarFighter 3000  /  Imagineer/Krisalis Software 1996
SLPS_004.88 ;  ? | platform | Banpresto/Irem 1996
SLPS_004.89 ;  Death Wing  /  Cybertech Designs 1996
SLPS_004.90 ;  Power Rangers Pinball  /  Bandai/Saban/Tomi/KAZe Co 1996
SLPS_004.91 ;  ? Shadow Struggle  /  Banpresto 1996
SLPS_004.92 ;  Krazy Ivan  /  Electronic Arts/Psygnosis 1996
SLPS_004.94 ;  ? | ninja guy | Jaleco 1996
SLPS_004.95 ;  Gunship  /  MediaQuest/MicroProse 1996
SLPS_004.96 ;  ? - Marriage  /  Headroom 1996
SLPS_004.97 ;  Building Crush!  /  Shoeisha 1996
SLPS_004.98 ;  Harmful Park  /  Sky Think 1997
SLPS_005.00 ;  Persona  /  Atlus 1996
SLPS_005.03 ;  ?  /  Yutaka 1996
SLPS_005.04 ;  ?  /  ?
SLPS_005.05 ;  ?  /  Tonkinhouse 1996
SLPS_005.07 ;  Gallop Racer | horse racing | Tecmo 1996
SLPS_005.09 ;  Winning Post 2 Program '96  /  Koei 1996
SLPS_005.10 ;  TFX Tactical Fighter eXperiment | Imagineer/Ocean 1996
SLPS_005.11 ;  TFX Tactical Fighter eXperiment | Imagineer/Ocean 1996
SLPS_005.12 ;  Assault Rigs  /  Electronic Arts/Psygnosis 1996
SLPS_005.16 ;  Shock Wave: Operation Jumpgate  /  Electronic Arts 1996
SLPS_005.18 ;  Burning Road  /  Vik Tokai/Toka 1996
SLPS_005.21 ;  ?  /  Koei 1996
SLPS_005.22 ;  Ranma 1/2 Battle Renaissance  /  ? 1996
SLPS_005.26 ;  Bloody Bride  /  Atlus 1996
SLPS_005.27 ;  Gowcaizer | fighting | Urban Plant 1996
SLPS_005.28 ;  Go II Professional  /  Mycom/Mainichi Communications/Oxford Softworks 1996
SLPS_005.30 ;  ? 2 | collection incl columns | Compile 1996
SLPS_005.32 ;  ? Ode to the Sunset Era  /  Tonkinhouse 1996
SLPS_005.35 ;  Lupin The 3rd Chateau De Cagliostro  /  Asmik 1996
SLPS_005.42 ;  Bastard!!  /  Seta/Shueisha/Kazushi Hagwara 1996
SLPS_005.43 ;  Primal Rage  /  Time Warner Interactive/Atari Games 1996
SLPS_005.45 ;  Soul Edge  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_005.47 ;  Worms  /  I'Max/Ocean/Team 17 1997
SLPS_005.50 ;  ?  /  Banpresto 1996
SLPS_005.51 ;  Legend of the Gamble King  /  ?
SLPS_005.53 ;  Super Robot Shooting  /  Banpresto 1996
SLPS_005.54 ;  Super Robot Shooting  /  Banpresto 1996
SLPS_005.55 ;  Soul Edge  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_005.63 ;  ?  /  Gust/Nowhere 1997
SLPS_005.67 ;  Virtual Gallop-Kishudou  /  Sunsoft 1996
SLPS_005.68 ;  Virtual Gallop-Kishudou  /  Sunsoft 1996
SLPS_005.70 ;  DX Nippon Tokkyu Ryokou Game | Let's Travel in Japan | Takara 1996
SLPS_005.71 ;  Hardball 5 | PS-053 | SPS/Accolade 1996
SLPS_005.73 ;  Super Technic Challenge  /  MediaQuest/Mitsui 1996
SLPS_005.74 ;  Darius Gaiden  /  BEC/Taito 1996
SLPS_005.75 ;  Zeiramzone  /  Banpresto 1996
SLPS_005.76 ;  SIN SD Sengokuden Kidoumushataisen  /  Bandai 1996
SLPS_005.83 ;  Mighty Hits  /  Altron 1996
SLPS_005.85 ;  Die Hard Trilogy  /  Fox Interactive/Electronic Arts/Probe 1996
SLPS_005.86 ;  ?  /  Ascii Soft 1996
SLPS_005.87 ;  Magic Carpet  /  Electronic Arts/Bullfrog 1996
SLPS_005.89 ;  Jewel Bem Hunter Lime with Paint Maker  /  Asmik/Silence 1997
SLPS_005.92 ;  ? MAX ?  /  Atlus/Cave 1997
SLPS_005.94 ;  Sampras Extreme Tennis  /  Virgin 1996
SLPS_005.95 ;  NHL Powerplay '96  /  Virgin 1996
SLPS_005.96 ;  ? 1092 ?  /  Yutaka/Wares Project 1997
SLPS_005.97 ;  Sold Out | band simulation | Shinko Music 1997
SLPS_005.98 ;  Wing Over  /  Victor/Beluga Computer 1997
SLPS_005.99 ;  ? 1999  /  BMG/Lobotomy 1997
SLPS_006.00 ;  Rage Racer  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_006.01 ;  ?  /  Kodansha 1997
SLPS_006.02 ;  Deserted Island  /  KSS 1997
SLPS_006.04 ;  First Queen IV  /  KSK 1996
SLPS_006.07 ;  Pitball  /  Coconuts Japan/Warner 1996
SLPS_006.10 ;  Street Racer Extra  /  Ubi Soft/Vivid Image 1996
SLPS_006.11 ;  Super Puzzle Fighter II X  /  Capcom 1996
SLPS_006.13 ;  ? | rpg | Sound Technology 1996
SLPS_006.16 ;  Derby Jockey R  /  Asmik 1997
SLPS_006.17 ;  Tomb Raiders  /  Victor/Core Design 1996
SLPS_006.18 ;  Civizard  /  Asmik/MicroProse 1996
SLPS_006.22 ;  Cubacu  /  Activision 1996
SLPS_006.23 ;  DX ? The Money Battle  /  Takara 1996
SLPS_006.24 ;  GaiaSeed  /  Techno Soleil 1996
SLPS_006.25 ;  Extra Bright  /  Ascii Soft 1996
SLPS_006.26 ;  The Board Game of Theme Park  /  Electronic Arts 1996
SLPS_006.28 ;  Doremon 2: SOS! ?  /  Epoch 1997
SLPS_006.29 ;  Lifescape 2: Body Bionics  /  MediaQuest/Scitron & Art/NHK
SLPS_006.30 ;  Rockman8  /  Capcom 1997
SLPS_006.31 ;  Fighting Network Rings  /  Naxat/Rings/Wowow 1997
SLPS_006.32 ;  ? Plus | golf | Softbank/T&E Soft 1996
SLPS_006.33 ;  Welcome House 2: Keaton & His Uncle  /  Gust 1996
SLPS_006.35 ;  Time Crisis  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_006.36 ;  Alice in Cyberland  /  Glams 1996
SLPS_006.38 ;  Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire | slps_.00638~9 | BulletProof Software/LucasArts 1996
SLPS_006.40 ;  Real Bout Fatal Fury  /  SNK 1995
SLPS_006.41 ;  Lode Runner Extra  /  Patra 1996
SLPS_006.42 ;  Souryu | mahjong | Nippon Ichi 1996
SLPS_006.43 ;  ? | platform | Xing/Japan Clary Business/Jackpot 1996
SLPS_006.44 ;  Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_006.45 ;  Magical Girl Pretty Samy Part 1: In the Earth | slps_.00645~6 | AIC/Pioneer
SLPS_006.47 ;  Samurai Shodown 1 & Samurai Shodown 2  /  SNK
SLPS_006.50 ;  Battle Arena Tohshinden 3  /  Takara/Tamsoft 1997
SLPS_006.51 ;  ?  /  Kool Kizz Amusement Works 1996
SLPS_006.52 ;  ? | Ultraman | ? 1996
SLPS_006.54 ;  ?  /  Ascii Success/Rubicom Sparks 1996
SLPS_006.55 ;  Sin SD Sengokuden Kidoumushataisen  /  Bandai 1996
SLPS_006.56 ;  ? II | pirate? | Koei 1996
SLPS_006.57 ;  Clock Tower 2  /  Human 1996
SLPS_006.59 ;  Grid Runner  /  Virgin/Radical Entertainment 1996
SLPS_006.62 ;  Rock Climbing ?  /  Net You 1995
SLPS_006.63 ;  Black Dawn  /  Virgin/Black Ops 1996
SLPS_006.64 ;  Dragon Knight 4  /  Banpresto/Elf 1996
SLPS_006.65 ;  Top Gun: Fire At Will!  /  MediaQuest/Spectrum Holobyte 1996
SLPS_006.66 ;  Time Crisis  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_006.67 ;  Heaven's Gate  /  Atlus 1996
SLPS_006.69 ;  Kowloon's Gate | slps_.00669~00672  /  Sony Music 1997
SLPS_006.73 ;  Do-Kyu-Sei Ma-Jyan  /  Elf/Chatnoir/Yumedia/Aroma 1997
SLPS_006.75 ;  Tetsuya Komouro/Gaball Screen  /  Sony Computer Entertainment 1996
SLPS_006.77 ;  F-1 Grand Prix  /  Coconuts 1996
SLPS_006.78 ;  RayStorm  /  Taito 1996
SLPS_006.79 ;  ? with ?UP?  /  J-Wing 1997
SLPS_006.80 ;  Metaphlist u.x.2297 | slps_.00680-1 | A.D.M. 1996
SLPS_006.82 ;  Triple Play 97  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_006.83 ;  Azito  /  Astec 21 1997
SLPS_006.84 ;  The Note ?  /  N.K. System/Team Bughouse 1997
SLPS_006.85 ;  Star Wars: Dark Forces  /  Bullet-Proof Software/LucasArts 1997
SLPS_006.86 ;  Love Game's - ?  /  Tears-khikawa SoftWare/JPTA/Ancient 1996
SLPS_006.87 ;  Baseball Navigator  /  Angel 1997
SLPS_006.88 ;  Sangokushi Koumeiden  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_006.89 ;  Yaku Tu - Noroi No Game  /  Idea Factory 1997
SLPS_006.90 ;  ? 2 Extrabox  /  Banpresto/Elf 1997
SLPS_006.91 ;  ? 2  /  Banpresto/Elf 1997
SLPS_006.92 ;  Nage Libre - Rasen no Soukoku  /  Varie 1997
SLPS_006.93 ;  3D Baseball: The Majors  /  BMG/Crystal Dynamics 1996
SLPS_006.95 ;  WWF In Your House  /  Acclaim 1996
SLPS_006.96 ;  ? | pachinko/slotmachine | Planning Office WADA 1996
SLPS_006.97 ;  Space Jam  /  Acclaim 1996
SLPS_006.98 ;  Batman Forever The Arcade Game  /  Acclaim 1996
SLPS_006.99 ;  NBA Jam Extreme  /  Acclaim 1996
SLPS_007.00 ;  Final Fantasy VII | slps_.00700~2 | SquareSoft 1997
SLPS_007.03 ;  Sangokushi V  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_007.05 ;  Namco Arcade Museum Vol. 5 "O" | Dragon Spirit, PacMania, Metro-Cross, BaRaDuke | Namco 1997
SLPS_007.06 ;  Kowloon's Gate | slps_.00706~00709 | Sony Music 1997
SLPS_007.10 ;  Choro Q2  /  Takara/Hyper Solid 1997
SLPS_007.11 ;  QueensRoad  /  Angel 1997
SLPS_007.12 ;  Tenga-Seiha  /  Imagineer/[Ron] 1997
SLPS_007.13 ;  Cross Romance  /  Nichibutsu/Nihon Bussan 1997
SLPS_007.15 ;  GT Max Rev.  /  Kaneko Co 1997
SLPS_007.18 ;  ?  /  Banpresto 1997
SLPS_007.19 ;  The Great Battle VI  /  Banpresto 1997
SLPS_007.21 ;  ?  /  Shangri-La 1997
SLPS_007.22 ;  The Masters Fighter  /  Cinema Supply 1997
SLPS_007.23 ;  Feda 2: White Surge the Platoon  /  Yanoman Games/Max Entertainment 1997
SLPS_007.27 ;  Final Doom  /  Softbank/Midway/GT Interactive/id Software 1996
SLPS_007.29 ;  Koshien Five | baseball | Magical Company 1997
SLPS_007.30 ;  Fushiginokunino Angelique  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_007.31 ;  Sangoku Musou | Dyansty Warriors | Koei 1997
SLPS_007.32 ;  Las Vegas Dream 2  /  Imagineer 1997
SLPS_007.34 ;  Mad Stalker FullMetalForce  /  Family Soft/Fill in Cafe 1997
SLPS_007.35 ;  Soviet Strike  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_007.36 ;  NBA Live 97  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_007.37 ;  Magical Hoppers | Pandemonium | Bandai/Crystal Dynamics 1997
SLPS_007.40 ;  ? 1092  /  Yutaka/Wares Project 1997
SLPS_007.41 ;  Monopoly  /  Hasbro 1997
SLPS_007.42 ;  Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  /  Electronic Arts/Origin 1997
SLPS_007.43 ;  Kain the Vampire | Legacy of Kain | BMG/Crystal Dynamics 1996
SLPS_007.44 ;  Recipro Heat 5000  /  Xing Entertainment/Metro 1997
SLPS_007.46 ;  Out Live: Be Eliminate Yesterday  /  Sunsoft 1997
SLPS_007.47 ;  Voice Fantasia  /  ASK Kodansha 1997
SLPS_007.49 ;  Fishing Koshien II  /  King Records/A-Wave/Daiwa/TV Osaka 1997
SLPS_007.50 ;  Xevious 3D/G+  /  Namco 1997
SLPS_007.52 ;  ? | slotmachine | NihonSyscom/Universal Sales 1997
SLPS_007.53 ;  Refrain Love  /  Riverhillsoft 1997
SLPS_007.54 ;  Odo Odo Oddity  /  I.D.C. Media 1997
SLPS_007.55 ;  Zero4 Champ DooZy-J  /  Media Rings Corp 1997
SLPS_007.57 ;  Bounty Sword First  /  Pioneer/Head Quarters 1997
SLPS_007.58 ;  PGA Tour 97  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_007.60 ;  Magical Girl Pretty Sammy: Part 2 In The Julyhelm | AIC/Pioneer 1997
SLPS_007.62 ;  Formation Soccer '97: The Road to France  /  Human 1997
SLPS_007.63 ;  Marvel Super Heroes  /  Capcom 1997
SLPS_007.65 ;  Namco Museum R | King & Balloon/Rolling Thunder/Motos/Dragon Saber/SkyKid/Romeers | Namco 1997
SLPS_007.66 ;  X2  /  Capcom/Team 17/Ocean 1997
SLPS_007.67 ;  Tactics Ogre  /  Artdink/Quest 1997
SLPS_007.68 ;  Naniwa No Akindo  /  Sony Music 1997
SLPS_007.70 ;  Final Fantasy Tactics | slps_.00770~1 | Squaresoft 1997
SLPS_007.77 ;  Derby Stallion  /  Ascii 1997
SLPS_007.79 ;  Boys Be...  /  Kodansha 1997
SLPS_007.86 ;  ?  /  Banpresto 1997
SLPS_007.88 ;  Teitoku No Ketsudan III  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_007.90 ;  Robotron X  /  Softbank/Midway/GT Interactive 1996
SLPS_007.91 ;  Mortal Kombat Trilogy  /  Softbank/Midway/GT Interactive
SLPS_007.93 ;  ? | mahjong | Naxat/Chatnoir 1997
SLPS_007.94 ;  Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! 5 | slot machine | Banpresto/Olympia/Yamasa/Sammy 1997
SLPS_007.95 ;  MaxRacer  /  PD 1997
SLPS_007.96 ;  Ball Blazer Champions  /  Bullet-Proof Software/LucasArts 1997
SLPS_007.97 ;  Farland Story  /  NEC/TGL 1997
SLPS_008.00 ;  Street Fighter Collection | slps_.00800~1 Super Street Fighter 2, Super Street Fighter 2 X, Street Fighter Zero 2 Dash | Capcom 1997
SLPS_008.03 ;  ? & ?  /  BMG/Interactive Studios 1996
SLPS_008.14 ;  ? | Samurai Spirits RPG? | SNK 1997
SLPS_008.17 ;  Community POM  /  Fill in Cafe 1997
SLPS_008.19 ;  Treasure Gear  /  Miraisoft 1997
SLPS_008.20 ;  EOS Edge of Skyhigh  /  Micronet 1997
SLPS_008.26 ;  Rama | slps_.00826-7 | Softbank/Sierra 1998
SLPS_008.29 ;  Riot Stars  /  Hector 1997
SLPS_008.30 ;  Ace Combat 2  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_008.31 ;  ?  /  Family Soft/Fill In Cafe 1997
SLPS_008.34 ;  The King of Fighters '96  /  SNK 1996
SLPS_008.36 ;  Impact Racing  /  Coconuts/Funcom Dublin 1996
SLPS_008.39 ;  Super Blackbass X  /  Star Fish Data 1997
SLPS_008.43 ;  Allied General  /  Xing/Four Winds/Strategic Simulations Inc 1997
SLPS_008.55 ;  Tora! Tora! Tora!  /  Nexus Interact/DaZZ 1997
SLPS_008.56 ;  Atelier Marie  /  Gust 1997
SLPS_008.58 ;  Next King ?  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_008.59 ;  Next King ?  /  Bandai/Plex/Mars 1997
SLPS_008.61 ;  NHL 97  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_008.63 ;  ?  /  ?
SLPS_008.64 ;  Deka Yonku: Tough the Truck  /  Human/AVC/Gremlin 1997
SLPS_008.65 ;  Body Hazard  /  Human/American Softworks Corp/AVC 1997
SLPS_008.66 ;  The Bombing Islands  /  Kemco/Tong King Show 1997
SLPS_008.67 ;  Metal Angel 3 | slps_.00867~8 | Victor 1997
SLPS_008.69 ;  Gran Doll | slps_.00869~870 | Emotion Digital Software 1997
SLPS_008.72 ;  The Witch of Salzburg  /  T.Dogs 1997
SLPS_008.74 ;  Ge - Ten II  /  I'Max/Hokusho 1997
SLPS_008.75 ;  Quiz ? Dreams ?  /  Capcom 1997
SLPS_008.77 ;  Robo-Pit 2  /  Altron 1997
SLPS_008.78 ;  FIFA Soccer 97  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_008.79 ;  Puzzle Arena To Shin Den  /  Takara 1997
SLPS_008.80 ;  Mad Panic Coaster  /  Hakuhodo 1997
SLPS_008.81 ;  ? | The Real Pro-Wrestling World | KSS 1997
SLPS_008.82 ;  ? | soundnovel | ASCII/Success 1997
SLPS_008.83 ;  Gundam The Battle Master  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_008.84 ;  NASCAR Racing  /  Sierra/Pioneer/Papyrus 1997
SLPS_008.85 ;  Stressless Lesson | columns | Maxfive/Compile 1997
SLPS_008.86 ;  ? Vol. 2 | pachinko/slot machine | KSS/Nishijin 1997
SLPS_008.87 ;  Triple Play 98  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_008.88 ;  Burger Burger Hamburger Simulation  /  GAPS 1997
SLPS_008.91 ;  Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish  /  Zoom 1997
SLPS_008.92 ;  Virtual Bowling | Ten Pin Alley | Nichibutsu/Nihon Bussan/PEG 1997
SLPS_008.93 ;  Cheesy  /  Jaleco 1997
SLPS_008.94 ;  Angel Blade Neo Tokyo Guardians  /  On DiMand/Nippon Ichi 1997
SLPS_008.95 ;  Over Drivin' II | Need for Speed II | Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_008.96 ;  Langrisser I & II | NCS 1997
SLPS_008.98 ;  SaGa Frontier  /  Squaresoft 1997
SLPS_008.99 ;  Panzer Bandit  /  Banpresto
SLPS_009.00 ;  Armored Core  /  From Software 1997
SLPS_009.01 ;  Rockman X4 (special limited pack)  /  Capcom 1997
SLPS_009.02 ;  Rockman X4  /  Capcom 1997
SLPS_009.03 ;  ? 2 | music? | ASCII/Success 1998
SLPS_009.04 ;  ?  /  Altron Corp 1997
SLPS_009.05 ;  Ridegear Guybrave  /  Axela 1997
SLPS_009.07 ;  Boundary Gate  /  Victor Interactive/NEC 1997
SLPS_009.08 ;  Cat the Ripper  /  Tonkinhouse 1997
SLPS_009.09 ;  ZAP! Snowbording Trix '98  /  TV Tokyo/Pony Canyon 1997
SLPS_009.10 ;  Monster Farm  /  Tecmo 1997
SLPS_009.11 ;  Tripuzz (Triangle)  /  Santos 1997
SLPS_009.12 ;  ? Notam of Wind  /  Artdink 1997
SLPS_009.13 ;  ?  /  Itochu 1997
SLPS_009.15 ;  Monster Paradise  /  Make Software 1997
SLPS_009.16 ;  ?  /  Toshiba EMI/Systemsoft 1997
SLPS_009.17 ;  Clock Tower: The First Fear  /  Human 1997
SLPS_009.18 ;  DX Jinsei Game II "The Game of Life DX II"  /  Takara/Milton Bradley/Link Research 1997
SLPS_009.19 ;  Carnage Heart EZ "Easy Zapping"  /  Artdink 1997
SLPS_009.20 ;  Mobile Suit Gundam: Perfect One Year War  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_009.22 ;  ?  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_009.24 ;  ? | Sokoban | Itochu/Thinking Rabbit 1997
SLPS_009.25 ;  Megaseed  /  Banpresto 1997
SLPS_009.26 ;  ? | Test Drive Off-Road | Cocnuts Japan/Accolade 1997
SLPS_009.27 ;  Wonder 3 Arcade Gears | Roosters/Chariot/? | Xing/Tezuka Pro/Capcom 1998
SLPS_009.28 ;  PuLiRuLa: Arcade Gears  /  Xing/Taito 1997
SLPS_009.29 ;  GunBullet | Point Blank | Namco 1997
SLPS_009.30 ;  GunBullet  /  Namco 1997
SLPS_009.31 ;  My Home Dream  /  Victor 1997
SLPS_009.35 ;  Gran Doll  /  Emotion Digital Software 1997
SLPS_009.36 ;  ? | track & field | Asmik 1997
SLPS_009.37 ;  Mech Warrior 2  /  Emotion/Activision 1997
SLPS_009.38 ;  Darkseed II  /  Gaga/Cyberdreams 1997
SLPS_009.39 ;  Whizz  /  B-Factory/Microvalue/Flair
SLPS_009.40 ;  Space Invaders  /  Taito 1997
SLPS_009.41 ;  Michinoku Hitou Koi monogatari  /  Full On Games 1997
SLPS_009.43 ;  ? Vol. 2 | slot machine | Nihon Syscom/Universal Sales 1997
SLPS_009.44 ;  G.O.D. Pure "Growth or Devolution"  /  Imagineer 1997
SLPS_009.45 ;  ? The Fighting!  /  Kodansha 1997
SLPS_009.46 ;  Ayakashininden Kunoithiban | slps_.00946-7 | Shoeisha 1997
SLPS_009.48 ;  Arkanoid Returns  /  Taito 1997
SLPS_009.49 ;  Dragon Ball Final Bout  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_009.50 ;  Super Vehicle-001 Metal Slug  /  SNK 1996
SLPS_009.51 ;  ? | slps_.00951-2 | Atlus/Thinking Rabbit 1997
SLPS_009.53 ;  Front Mission Alternative  /  SquareSoft 1997
SLPS_009.54 ;  Sidewinder 2  /  Asmik/Pegasus 1997
SLPS_009.55 ;  Yukyu Gensokyoku  /  Starlight Marry/Media Works
SLPS_009.56 ;  Yukyu Gensokyoku  /  Starlight Marry/Media Works
SLPS_009.57 ;  St Andrews Old Course  /  Seta/Shogakukan 1997
SLPS_009.58 ;  Starboarders  /  Acclaim 1997
SLPS_009.59 ;  Pastel Muses  /  Soft Office 1997
SLPS_009.64 ;  Mario Mushano's Hyper Shogi School  /  King Records 1997
SLPS_009.65 ;  . . . IRU!  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_009.67 ;  Cool Borders 2: Killing Session  /  UEP 1997
SLPS_009.68 ;  Battle Formation  /  Banpresto 1997
SLPS_009.69 ;  Spectral Force  /  Idea Factory 1997
SLPS_009.70 ;  ?  /  Namco 1997
SLPS_009.71 ;  The City of Lost Children  /  GameBank/UGC/Psygnosis 1995
SLPS_009.72 ;  Hexen  /  Game Bank/GT/id/Raven 1997
SLPS_009.73 ;  ?  /  Altron 1997
SLPS_009.76 ;  Command & Conquer | slps_.00976~7 | Acclaim/Westwood 1997
SLPS_009.78 ;  Fighting Illusion K-1 Revenge  /  Xing 1997
SLPS_009.79 ;  Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV with ?  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_009.80 ;  ?  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_009.81 ;  Blue Knight Berserga Story  /  Takara 1997
SLPS_009.82 ;  Blue Knight Berserga Story  /  Takara 1997
SLPS_009.83 ;  ? | fishing | Teichiku Records 1997
SLPS_009.84 ;  Wizard's Harmony 2  /  Arc System Works 1997
SLPS_009.85 ;  Free Talk Studio  /  Media Entertainment 1997
SLPS_009.86 ;  Honkaku Igo | go | Seta 1998
SLPS_009.87 ;  Lomax  /  Tomy/Psygnosis 1997
SLPS_009.88 ;  Starwinder  /  J-Wing/Mindscape/Four Winds 1997
SLPS_009.89 ;  Vacation  /  MYC 1997
SLPS_009.90 ;  Breath of Fire 3  /  Capcom 1997
SLPS_009.91 ;  Battle Bugs  /  Mann Ming/Sierra/Epyx 1997
SLPS_009.92 ;  Seabass Fishing 2  /  Victor/A-Wave 1997
SLPS_009.93 ;  Allstar Mahjong ~ Kareinaru Shobushi Kara No Chosen  /  Pony Canyon 1997
SLPS_009.94 ;  U.S. Navy Fighters  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_009.96 ;  My Dream ~ On Air | slps_.00996~7 | Nihon Create 1997
SLPS_009.98 ;  Bio Hazard Director's Cut | slps_.00998-9 | Capcom 1997
SLPS_010.00 ;  Front Mission 2  /  SquareSoft 1997
SLPS_010.01 ;  Moonlight Syndrome  /  Human 1997
SLPS_010.03 ;  B ? Alice on Borderlines | slps_.01003~5 | Kodansha 1997
SLPS_010.06 ;  Hyper Tag Match  /  KSS 1997
SLPS_010.07 ;  J's Racin'  /  Tyo 1997
SLPS_010.08 ;  Einhander  /  SquareSoft 1997
SLPS_010.09 ;  Lagnacure  /  Sony 1997
SLPS_010.10 ;  Door to Phantomile  /  Namco 1997
SLPS_010.11 ;  Cyberbots FullMetal Madness  /  Capcom 1997
SLPS_010.12 ;  Tetsudo OH2  /  Atlus/Earthly Soft 1997
SLPS_010.13 ;  Project Gaiaray  /  Shoeisha 1997
SLPS_010.14 ;  The Vision of Escaflowne  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_010.15 ;  The Vision of Escaflowne  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_010.17 ;  TigerShark  /  GameBank/GT Interactive/N-Space 1997
SLPS_010.18 ;  Psychic Force Puzzle Taisen  /  Taito 1997
SLPS_010.20 ;  Winning Post 2 ? '97  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_010.21 ;  Daikoukaijidaigaiden  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_010.23 ;  Cranky PRO.  /  Nsyscom 1997
SLPS_010.24 ;  Over Drivin' Skyline Memorial  /  Electronic Arts 1997
SLPS_010.25 ;  Dare Devil Derby 3D  /  Harvest One/Mindscape/Four Winds 1997
SLPS_010.26 ;  Cu-On-Pa | puzzle | T&ESoft/Onesong 1997
SLPS_010.27 ;  ?  /  N.Inoue/TV Asahi/System SACOM 1997
SLPS_010.29 ;  I'Max Shogi II  /  I'Max 1997
SLPS_010.30 ;  Blade of the Darkness  /  CD Bros./Forest 1997
SLPS_010.31 ;  Moon Remix RPG  /  ASCII 1997
SLPS_010.32 ;  ? '97 Vol. 2 To HIT  /  Sangri-La 1997
SLPS_010.33 ;  Power Dolls 2  /  ASCII 1997
SLPS_010.34 ;  Fantastic Four  /  Acclaim 1998
SLPS_010.35 ;  Ryukidensyo - Dragoon  /  KSS 1997
SLPS_010.36 ;  Deadly Skies  /  Coconuts/Funcom 1997
SLPS_010.37 ;  World Neverland  /  Riverhillsoft 1997
SLPS_010.38 ;  DokiDoki Shutter Chance  /  Nippon Ichi 1997
SLPS_010.40 ;  StarSweep  /  Axela 1997
SLPS_010.41 ;  GothaWorld | slps_.01041~2 | Micronet 1997
SLPS_010.43 ;  Parlor! Pro 2  /  Kyoraku 1997
SLPS_010.44 ;  Critical Blow  /  Banpresto 1997
SLPS_010.45 ;  Nightmare Project Yakata | slps_.01045~7 | Ask 1998
SLPS_010.48 ;  Cyber Egg Battle Champion  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_010.50 ;  Namco Museum "R" | King & Balloon, Motos, SkyKing, Rolling Thunder, ?, Dragon Saber, Rompers | Namco 1997
SLPS_010.51 ;  SuperAdventure Rockman | slps_.01051~3 | Capcom 1998
SLPS_010.54 ;  10101 "Will" The Starship  /  Sound Technology Japan 1997
SLPS_010.55 ;  Croc Pau-Pau Island  /  MediaQuest/Argonaut 1997
SLPS_010.56 ;  Spectral Force  /  Idea Factory 1997
SLPS_010.57 ;  Final Fantasy VII International | slps_.01057~60 | SquareSoft 1997
SLPS_010.61 ;  Herc's Adventures  /  Bullet-Proof Software/LucasArts 1997
SLPS_010.62 ;  Complete Soccer Onside  /  Tears 1997
SLPS_010.64 ;  Battle Master  / 
SLPS_010.65 ;  Puzzle Bobble 3DX  /  1997
SLPS_010.66 ;  SpeedPower Gunbike  /  Sony 1998
SLPS_010.67 ;  DragonBeat Legend of Pinball  /  Map Japan 1995
SLPS_010.68 ;  Ankh  /  Ray 1997
SLPS_010.70 ;  Bloody Roar  /  Hudson 1997
SLPS_010.71 ;  Calcolo!  /  CLEF 1997
SLPS_010.72 ;  Ayrton Senna Kartduel 2  /  GAPS 1997
SLPS_010.73 ;  Agent Armstrong  /  WENet/Virgin 1997
SLPS_010.75 ;  Home Doctor  /  Success 1997
SLPS_010.76 ;  Beast Wars  /  Takara/Hasbro 1998
SLPS_010.77 ;  Gallop Racer 2: One and Only Road to Victory  /  Tecmo 1997
SLPS_010.78 ;  WPG Hyper Heat  /  Jaleco 1997
SLPS_010.79 ;  Side Pocket 3  /  DataEast 1998
SLPS_010.80 ;  PuyoPuyo Sun (Expert)  /  Compile 1997
SLPS_010.81 ;  ? | game collection | Ninelives 1997
SLPS_010.82 ;  Gadget - Past as Future  /  Synergy 1997
SLPS_010.86 ;  Jungle Park  /  Digitalogue 1998
SLPS_010.87 ;  R?MJ The Mystery Hospital  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_010.89 ;  Pachinko Hall Shinso Dai Kaiten  /  Nexton 1998
SLPS_010.90 ;  Soulmaster  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_010.91 ;  Magical Date  /  Taito 1997
SLPS_010.92 ;  Photo Genic  /  Sunsoft 1997
SLPS_010.93 ;  RPG?3  /  ASCII Corp 1997
SLPS_010.95 ;  ? Mr. Domino  /  Artdink 1998
SLPS_010.96 ;  Nothing But Loving You  /  Coconuts Japan
SLPS_010.97 ;  Asuncia  /  Xing 1997
SLPS_010.98 ;  WarCraft II: The Dark Saga  /  Electronic Arts/Blizzard 1997
SLPS_010.99 ;  The Lost World: Jurassic Park  /  Electronic Arts/DreamWorks Interactive 1997
SLPS_011.00 ;  Tales of Destiny  /  Namco 1997
SLPS_011.02 ;  Hybbid  /  SPS/Elite/Four Winds/Movietime 1997
SLPS_011.03 ;  Let's Make a School!!  /  Victor Interactive 1997
SLPS_011.04 ;  The Psychological Game 3  /  Visit 1997
SLPS_011.05 ;  Buckle Up!  /  Shangri-La 1998
SLPS_011.06 ;  Guntu Western Front June, 1944  /  Electrocoin 1997
SLPS_011.07 ;  Brigandine  /  1998
SLPS_011.08 ;  Ancient Roman | slps_.01108~9 | Nihon System 1998
SLPS_011.10 ;  Hotel Happy  /  1997
SLPS_011.11 ;  Micro Machines | Micro Machines V3 | Namco/Codemasters 1997
SLPS_011.12 ;  Neorude2  /  Tecno Soft 1997
SLPS_011.14 ;  It's a ?! | columns | TMF 1997
SLPS_011.15 ;  Nobunaganoyabou Shouseiroku  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_011.16 ;  Photo Genic  /  Sunsoft 1997
SLPS_011.17 ;  Exalegiuse  /  Kogado/Toshiaki Takayama 1998
SLPS_011.18 ;  Abe a Gogo | Abe's Oddysee | Gamebank/GT Interactive/Oddworld Inhabitants 1997
SLPS_011.19 ;  Morita Shogi  /  Seta 1997
SLPS_011.20 ;  A5 ? | city sim | Artdink 1997
SLPS_011.21 ;  Egg  /  Toshiba EMI/Beyond 1998
SLPS_011.22 ;  Blue Breaker  /  Human/NEC 1997
SLPS_011.23 ;  Baseball Navigator  /  MegaHouse 1997
SLPS_011.24 ;  King of Producer  /  GMF 1997
SLPS_011.25 ;  Real Robots Final Attack  /  Banpresto 1998
SLPS_011.26 ;  Cowboy Bebop  /  Bandai 1998
SLPS_011.27 ;  BattleRound USA | Rush Hour ? | Nichibutsu/Psygnosis
SLPS_011.28 ;  Courier Crisis  /  BMG/New Level Software 1998
SLPS_011.29 ;  Prisoner of Ice  /  Xing/Infogrames 1997
SLPS_011.30 ;  Armored Core: Project Phantasma  /  From Software 1997
SLPS_011.31 ;  Hei-Sei-Ki-In | othello/go | GameBank/Hudson Soft/Success 1997
SLPS_011.32 ;  ?  /  Riverhillsoft/Thinking Rabbit 1997
SLPS_011.33 ;  ?  /  AIC/IPC 1998
SLPS_011.34 ;  Lovely Pop 2 in 1: Jang Jang Koi Shimashow | mahjong | Visco 1998
SLPS_011.35 ;  Damdam Stompland  /  Sony Music 1997
SLPS_011.36 ;  Maria | slps_.01136~8 | Axela/Break 1997
SLPS_011.39 ;  ? | fishing | Oz Club/SystemSoft 1997
SLPS_011.40 ;  Choro Q Jet: Rainbow Wings  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_011.41 ;  Rockman D.A.S.H. (Digouter's Adventure Story in Halcyon Days)  /  Capcom 1997
SLPS_011.42 ;  Mobile Suit Z-Gundam | slps_.01142~3 | Bandai 1997
SLPS_011.44 ;  Tomba!  /  Whoopee Camp 1997
SLPS_011.46 ;  The Conveni 2 | convenience store simulation | Human/Masterpiece 1997
SLPS_011.47 ;  ? - Reinforce | slps_.01147~8 | Tenky/Imagineer 1997
SLPS_011.49 ;  V-Rally Championship Edition  /  Infogrames 1997
SLPS_011.50 ;  Densya De Go!  /  Taito 1997
SLPS_011.51 ;  True Love Story: Remember My Heart  /  ASCII/Bts Laboratory 1997
SLPS_011.52 ;  ?  /  [Ron]/Kid 1997
SLPS_011.53 ;  ? Greatest 70's | racing | Epoch 1997
SLPS_011.54 ;  Formula Grand Prix 2  /  Coconuts Japan 1997
SLPS_011.55 ;  Bomberman World  /  Hudson Soft 1998
SLPS_011.56 ;  Momotaro Dentetsu7  /  Hudson Soft 1997
SLPS_011.57 ;  ? | horse racing? | KSS 1997
SLPS_011.58 ;  Ishin No Arashi  /  Koei 1997
SLPS_011.59 ;  AI ? 2 | shogi | GameBank/ASCII Something Good/Hiroshi Yamashita 1997
SLPS_011.60 ;  Xenogears | slps_.01160~1 2CD | Squaresoft 1998
SLPS_011.62 ;  Panel Quiz Attack25  /  FPS/M J Party
SLPS_011.63 ;  Moto Racer  /  Electronic Arts/Delphine 1997
SLPS_011.64 ;  Metal Fist | "Fighting Force" | Electronic Arts/Core Design 1998
SLPS_011.66 ;  ? | bowling | Coconuts Japan 1997
SLPS_011.67 ;  Tour Party  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_011.68 ;  Angel Eyes | fighting | Tecmo 1997
SLPS_011.69 ;  ?  /  Shangri-La 1998
SLPS_011.70 ;  Snow Break  /  Atlus 1998
SLPS_011.71 ;  Amasuka's Revenge Special  /  SNK 1997
SLPS_011.72 ;  Soukyu-Gurentai Oubushustugeki  /  DataEast/Eighting/Raizing 1996
SLPS_011.73 ;  ? Party Selection  /  NTV/VAP 1998
SLPS_011.75 ;  Side By Side Special  /  Taito 1997
SLPS_011.76 ;  Sankyo Fever ? Vol. 2 | pachinko | Sankyo/Japan Vistec 1997
SLPS_011.79 ;  Spectral Tower II  /  Idea Factory
SLPS_011.80 ;  Riven: The Sequel to Myst | slps_.01180~2 3CD | Sunsoft/Enix/Cyan 1997
SLPS_011.83 ;  Riven | slps_.01183~4 | Sunsoft/Enix/Cyan 1997
SLPS_011.85 ;  ? 2 | pachinko (Monster House, Mr. Wasy?) | Sunsoft 1997
SLPS_011.86 ;  Chuushingura  / 
SLPS_011.87 ;  Wing of Alnam | slps_.01187~9 | Right Stuff 1997
SLPS_011.90 ;  Noel: La Neige Special Edition | slps_.01190~2 | Pioneer 1998
SLPS_011.93 ;  Noel: La Neige | slps_.01193~5 | Pioneer 1998
SLPS_011.96 ;  ? DX | bowling | Yumedia/Aroma/Four Winds 1998
SLPS_012.00 ;  Tomb Raider 2  /  Victor/Core 1998
SLPS_012.01 ;  The Legend of Heroes 3  /  GMF/Falcom 1998
SLPS_012.02 ;  ? | fighting | Kodansha 1998
SLPS_012.03 ;  SatelliTV  /  Nippon Ichi 1998
SLPS_012.04 ;  '98 ? | baseball | Magical Company 1998
SLPS_012.05 ;  Sweep Station Version  /  Sony Music 1998
SLPS_012.06 ;  Naniwa Wangan Battle  /  Medioza 1998
SLPS_012.07 ;  Option Tuning Car Battle  /  M2To 1998
SLPS_012.08 ;  Kuttu Ketto  /  Tecnosoft 1998
SLPS_012.09 ;  Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest  /  T&E Soft 1998
SLPS_012.10 ;  NobunagaNoyabou - Zenkokuban  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_012.11 ;  Bokandesuyo  /  Banpresto 1998
SLPS_012.12 ;  Neo ATLAS  /  ArtDink/FlipFlop 1998
SLPS_012.13 ;  ? | racing slps_.01213~4 | Victor Interactive
SLPS_012.15 ;  Dengeki Construction Ochige-Yarouze! | columns | Mediaworks 1998
SLPS_012.16 ;  ? III with ?  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_012.17 ;  ? | slps_.01217~8 rpg | Ving
SLPS_012.19 ;  Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity  /  Viacom 1996
SLPS_012.20 ;  Namco Anthology 1 | Babel, Star Luster, Wrestleball, ? | Namco 1998
SLPS_012.22 ;  Biohazard 2 | slps_.01222~3 | Capcom
SLPS_012.24 ;  Miracle Jumpers | Pandemonium 2 | Bandai/Crystal Dynamics 1997
SLPS_012.25 ;  Universal Nuts  /  Lay-Up 1998
SLPS_012.26 ;  Prism Court  /  FPS 1998
SLPS_012.27 ;  Bassing Beat  /  1998
SLPS_012.28 ;  ?  /  TGL 1998
SLPS_012.30 ;  Parasite Eve | slps_.-01230~1 | SquareSoft 1998
SLPS_012.32 ;  Bust A Move Dance & Rhythm Action | slps_.-01232~3 | Enix 1998
SLPS_012.34 ;  ? | Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon slps_.01234~5 | Squaresoft 1997
SLPS_012.36 ;  R-Types | R-Type/R-Type II/R9 CG/R's Library v1.0 | Irem 1998
SLPS_012.37 ;  Bust A Move Dance & Rhythm Action  /  Enix 1998
SLPS_012.38 ;  ? With Me Everytime  /  Toshiba EMI 1998
SLPS_012.42 ;  Motteke Tamago with Ganbare Kamonohasi  /  Naxat Soft 1998
SLPS_012.43 ;  ? | Wai Wai Kid | Kid 1998
SLPS_012.44 ;  Choro Q3  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_012.45 ;  Nectaris  /  Hudson 1998
SLPS_012.46 ;  Druid: Yamienotsuisekisya  /  Koei/Sir-Tech 1998
SLPS_012.47 ;  Nobunaganoyabou Sengokugunyuuden  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_012.48 ;  Ultraman Fighting Evolution  /  Banpresto 1998
SLPS_012.50 ;  Hoshi De Hakken!! Tamagotch  /  Bandai 1998
SLPS_012.51 ;  Checkmate | chess | Altron/Mindscape 1998
SLPS_012.52 ;  Prism Land Story  /  Dcruise/Siesta
SLPS_012.53 ;  Kattobi Tune  /  Genki 1998
SLPS_012.57 ;  ? Hyper Novel  /  Visit 1997
SLPS_012.58 ;  Yukyu Gensokyoku 2nd Album  /  Starlight Marry/Media Works 1997
SLPS_012.59 ;  Tokyo23KU Seifuku-Wars  /  MAP Japan/Tao Human 1995
SLPS_012.60 ;  Project V6  /  General Entertainment 1998
SLPS_012.61 ;  OverBlood 2  /  Riverhillsoft 1998
SLPS_012.63 ;  Winning Post 3  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_012.64 ;  ? The Throbbing Nightmare | slps_.01264~5 | Jaleco 1998
SLPS_012.66 ;  Final Round  /  Atlus 1998
SLPS_012.67 ;  ImageFight & XMultiply: Arcade Gears  /  Irem/Xing 1998
SLPS_012.68 ;  Great Rugby  /  Nexus/Codemasters 1998
SLPS_012.69 ;  Crisis City  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_012.71 ;  Seireishoukan: Princess of Darkness  /  Shoeisha 1998
SLPS_012.72 ;  Tenchu  /  Sony 1998
SLPS_012.74 ;  Misa No Mahomonogatari | slps_.-01274~5 | Sammy 1998
SLPS_012.76 ;  Misa No Mahomonogatari | slps_.-01276~7 | Sammy 1998
SLPS_012.78 ;  Tensen-Nyannyan: Gekijyouban  /  Time Point 1998
SLPS_012.79 ;  Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga  / 
SLPS_012.81 ;  Mobius Link 3D  /  Itochu/I.Magic 1998
SLPS_012.83 ;  Iwatobi Penguin: Rocky X Hopper 2  /  Culture/Polygon/Toshiba 1998
SLPS_012.84 ;  X-Men vs. Street Fighter EX Edition  /  Capcom 1998
SLPS_012.85 ;  Mourimotonari Chikainosanshi  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_012.86 ;  Gundam The Battle Master 2  /  Bandai 1998
SLPS_012.87 ;  Radio Boy  /  Hudson Soft 1998
SLPS_012.88 ;  Test Drive 4  /  Electronic Arts/Accolade
SLPS_012.89 ;  Dead Or Alive  /  Tecmo 1998
SLPS_012.90 ;  Clock Tower Ghost Head  /  Human 1998
SLPS_012.91 ;  Soukaigi | slps_.01291~3 | SquareSoft 1998
SLPS_012.94 ;  Bushido Blade 2  /  SquareSoft 1998
SLPS_012.95 ;  NASCAR 98  /  EA Sports 1998
SLPS_012.96 ;  NBA Live 98  /  EA Sports 1998
SLPS_012.99 ;  Tail Concerto  /  Bandai 1998
SLPS_013.00 ;  Tekken 3  /  Namco 1998
SLPS_013.01 ;  ? | flea market? | Artdink/Masterpiece 1998
SLPS_013.02 ;  Kitty On Your Lap  /  Kaneko/Culture 1998
SLPS_013.03 ;  Tennis Arena  /  Ubi Soft 1998
SLPS_013.04 ;  Bass Fisherman  /  Sammy/Saurus/IGS/Ranger Boats/Ranger Trail 1998
SLPS_013.05 ;  Suikoden Tendo108Sei  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_013.06 ;  Game de Seishun  /  Kid 1998
SLPS_013.07 ;  Lost Sword  /  Telstar 1997
SLPS_013.08 ;  ? Wai2Pulsar 77 | slot machine | Human 1998
SLPS_013.09 ;  Sound Qube  /  Human 1998
SLPS_013.10 ;  Straight Victory  /  Calsonic 1998
SLPS_013.11 ;  Jong for Beginners  /  Affect 1998
SLPS_013.12 ;  ? | horse racing | Axela 1998
SLPS_013.14 ;  New Japan Pro Wrestling 3  /  Tomy/Yuke 1998
SLPS_013.15 ;  Fire Woman Matoigumi  /  1998
SLPS_013.17 ;  Denryu Iraira-Bo Returns  /  Saurus 1998
SLPS_013.19 ;  Soldnerschild Special  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_013.21 ;  ? The Strongest Game of Go  /  Itochu/Oxford Softworks 1998
SLPS_013.22 ;  The Game Paradise 2  /  Jaleco 1998
SLPS_013.23 ;  The Legend of Heroes I & II  /  Falcom/GMF 1998
SLPS_013.24 ;  Thoroughbred Breeder: The Conquest of the World  /  Hect 1998
SLPS_013.25 ;  ? Classic Road 2 | horseracing | Victor 1998
SLPS_013.26 ;  ? | slps_.01326~9 | Tokuma Shoten/Intermedia
SLPS_013.30 ;  Armored Trooper Votoms - Woodo Kummen  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_013.31 ;  Armored Trooper Votoms - Woodo Kummen  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_013.32 ;  Wedding Bell III  /  Marcus/Westone/Shogakukan Production 1997
SLPS_013.34 ;  ? Q  /  Right Stuff 1998
SLPS_013.35 ;  World Stadium 2  /  Namco 1998
SLPS_013.37 ;  Angelique Duet  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_013.38 ;  Kouryuuki  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_013.39 ;  ? | casino/slotmachine | Culture Publishers 1998
SLPS_013.40 ;  Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo 2 | slps_.01340~1 | Kodansha 1998
SLPS_013.42 ;  Lake Master 2  /  Nexus Interact/DaZZ 1998
SLPS_013.43 ;  Rebus  /  Atlus 1998
SLPS_013.44 ;  Kakinokishogi II  /  Ascii/Yoshikazu Kakinoki 1998
SLPS_013.45 ;  ? | columns | ASCII/Crea-Tech/Soleil Music 1998
SLPS_013.46 ;  Gekisou!! Grand Racing Total Drivin'  /  Atlus/Ocean 1998
SLPS_013.47 ;  Bomberman Wars  /  Hudson 1998
SLPS_013.48 ;  G Darius  /  Taito 1998
SLPS_013.50 ;  T-> ?  /  Jaleco 1998
SLPS_013.51 ;  Enigma | slps_.01351~2 | Koei 1998
SLPS_013.54 ;  Kojin Kyoju - La Lecon Particuliere  /  Mainichi/Mycom/SCIO/Stingray 1998
SLPS_013.56 ;  Jinguji 6 | Detective Adventure Game | Data East 1998
SLPS_013.57 ;  Guilty Gear | fighting | Arc System Works 1998
SLPS_013.58 ;  ?  /  TKKW/MacroVision/Mechanic Design 1998
SLPS_013.59 ;  ?  /  Inner Brain 1998
SLPS_013.60 ;  Pocket Fighter  /  Capcom 1998
SLPS_013.62 ;  ? De ? | girl's volleyball | Yumedia/Aroma/Four Winds/SPS 1998
SLPS_013.63 ;  Slayers Royal  /  ESP 1998
SLPS_013.65 ;  Klaymen, Klaymen | "Neverhood" | Riverhillsoft/DreamWorks/Neverhood 1998
SLPS_013.66 ;  Touken Retsuden 3  /  Tomy 1998
SLPS_013.68 ;  ? Another Step  /  Banpresto 1998
SLPS_013.69 ;  Playstadium 3  /  Banpresto 1998
SLPS_013.70 ;  LOVE Therapy  /  B-Factory 1998
SLPS_013.71 ;  Puroyakyu Nettou Puzzle Stadium  /  Coconuts 1998
SLPS_013.72 ;  ? '98 | horseracing | Shangri-La 1998
SLPS_013.73 ;  ? | mahjong | Nihon Bussan/Nichibutsu 1998
SLPS_013.74 ;  ?  /  Family Soft/NEC 1998
SLPS_013.75 ;  Paranoia Scape  /  Mathilda 1998
SLPS_013.76 ;  Heroine Dream 2  /  Map Japan 1998
SLPS_013.77 ;  Neon Genesis Evangelion  /  Gainax 1998
SLPS_013.82 ;  Cooking Fighter  /  Nippon Ichi 1998
SLPS_013.83 ;  FIFA Road to the World Cup 98  /  EA Sports 1998
SLPS_013.84 ;  Kaettekita Pachiokun Dream Collection | pachinko | Coconuts Japan 1998
SLPS_013.85 ;  Doukyo (Billiard Master)  /  Ask 1998
SLPS_013.86 ;  Virtua Pachi-Slot III  /  Map Japan 1998
SLPS_013.87 ;  Dynamite Boxing  /  Victor 1998
SLPS_013.88 ;  Pro-Wrestling Sengokuden 2  /  KSS 1998
SLPS_013.89 ;  World League Soccer "Challenge Nippon!"  /  Coconuts/Gremlin 1998
SLPS_013.90 ;  Star Monja | tamagotchi style | GMF/Miraisoft 1998
SLPS_013.91 ;  Downhill Snow  /  Victor/Pack-In-Soft
SLPS_013.92 ;  ? | fishing | Victor 1998
SLPS_013.93 ;  Sankyo Fever Vol. 3  /  Sankyo/Japan Vistec 1998
SLPS_013.94 ;  Perfect Golf 2  /  Seta/Nasa 1998
SLPS_013.95 ;  ?  /  Panther Software 1998
SLPS_013.96 ;  ? '98 | boat racing | Nichibutsu/Nihon Bussan/Kyotei 1998
SLPS_013.97 ;  Lunar Silver Star Story | slps_.01397~8 | Game Arts/ESP 1998
SLPS_013.99 ;  Frogger  /  Hasbro/Konami 1997
SLPS_014.01 ;  Yume-Iroiro  /  Feathered 1998
SLPS_014.03 ;  Colony Wars | slps_.01403~4 | Artdink/Psygnosis 1997
SLPS_014.05 ;  Theme Hospital  /  Electronic Arts/Bullfrog 1998
SLPS_014.06 ;  Thunder Force V Perfect System  /  Tecno Soft 1998
SLPS_014.09 ;  Jingle Cats  /  Sony Music/Jingle Cats Music 1998
SLPS_014.10 ;  TOCA Touring Car Championship  /  Upstar/Codemasters 1998
SLPS_014.11 ;  ?  /  Visit 1998
SLPS_014.12 ;  Eberouge Special  /  Fujitsu/Takara 1998
SLPS_014.13 ;  K.O. - The Live Boxing  /  Altron 1998
SLPS_014.15 ;  ?  /  Victor 1998
SLPS_014.16 ;  Diablo  /  Electronic Arts/Blizzard 1998
SLPS_014.17 ;  Hyper Securities 2  /  Victor 1998
SLPS_014.18 ;  Atelier Marie Plus  /  Gust 1998
SLPS_014.19 ;  Formation Soccer '98  /  Human 1998
SLPS_014.20 ;  Shadow Tower  /  From Software 1998
SLPS_014.21 ;  Kagero  /  Tecmo 1998
SLPS_014.22 ;  Dark Messiah  /  Atlus 1998
SLPS_014.23 ;  King of Parlor 2  /  Vistec 1998
SLPS_014.24 ;  ?  /  to ONE 1998
SLPS_014.26 ;  ? Kids  /  Toshiba EMI/System Soft 1998
SLPS_014.27 ;  Hello Kitty's Cube de Cute  /  Culture Publishers/Sanrio 1998
SLPS_014.28 ;  All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship  /  Tyo 1998
SLPS_014.29 ;  Combination ProSoccer  /  Axela 1998
SLPS_014.30 ;  CrisisBeat  /  Bandai 1998
SLPS_014.31 ;  Another Memories  /  Starlight Marry 1998
SLPS_014.32 ;  ?  /  Asmik Ace 1998
SLPS_014.34 ;  3D ? | fighting | ASCII 1998
SLPS_014.35 ;  Puchi Carat  /  Taito 1998
SLPS_014.36 ;  Choro Q Marine: Q-Boat  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_014.37 ;  Sammy Revolution  /  Sammy 1998
SLPS_014.38 ;  Ludo  /  Pai/Falcon 1998
SLPS_014.39 ;  Hanabi  /  Magical Company 1998
SLPS_014.41 ;  ? Art Truck Battle  /  Human 1998
SLPS_014.44 ;  Male Graduation | slps_.01444~5 | ? 1998
SLPS_014.46 ;  Backguiner Act-2 | slps_.01446~8 | Ving 1998
SLPS_014.49 ;  Silhouette Mirage: Reprogrammed Hope  /  Treasure/ESP 1998
SLPS_014.51 ;  Tactical Adventures Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Final Edition  /  Hudson Soft/Red 1998
SLPS_014.53 ;  Parlor! PRO 3 | pachinko | Kyoraku/Toyomaru/Telenet Japan 1998
SLPS_014.54 ;  Doki Doki On Air  /  Bottom Up 1998
SLPS_014.55 ;  UltramanTiga & UltramanDyna: New Generations  /  Bandai 1998
SLPS_014.59 ;  B.l.u.e. Legend of Water  /  Hudson Soft 1998
SLPS_014.60 ;  Yuwaku Office Ren Ai Ka  /  Takara 1998
SLPS_014.62 ;  ?  /  Victor 1998
SLPS_014.63 ;  SolDivide  /  Atlus/Psikyo 1998
SLPS_014.65 ;  Epica Stella  /  Human 1998
SLPS_014.66 ;  ? V with ?  /  Koei 1998
SLPS_014.69 ;  Blue Breaker Burst  /  Human/HuneX 1998
SLPS_014.72 ;  Shake Kids  /  On Dimond/Digital Kids 1998
SLPS_014.74 ;  Misaki-Aggressive!  /  Shoeisha/Sugeeya/Zero System 1998
SLPS_014.75 ;  ? | female wrestling | ? 1998
SLPS_014.76 ;  Ski Air Mix  /  Kid 1998
SLPS_014.84 ;  HARD Boiled  /  Sieg/Cryo/Dark Horse Comics 1998
SLPS_014.85 ;  ?  /  Gainax 1998
SLPS_014.90 ;  Brave Fencer Musashiden | slps_.01490~1 | SquareSoft 1998
SLPS_014.95 ;  Ojyousama Express | slps_.01495~6 | Mediaworks/Seven Bright 1998
SLPS_015.02 ;  Blue Breaker Burst  /  Human/HuneX 1998
SLPS_910.01 ;  Ridge Racer  /  Namco 1994
SLPS_910.02 ;  Raiden Project  /  Seibu Kaihatsu 1996
SLPS_910.03 ;  King's Field  /  From Software 1995
SLPS_910.05 ;  Ace Combat  /  Namco 1995
SLPS_910.06 ;  Battle Arena Toshinden 2 Plus  /  Takara/Tamsoft 1996
SLPS_910.07 ;  Boxer's Road  /  New Corp 1995
SLPS_910.09 ;  Touken Retsuden - King of Sports: New Japan Pro Wrestling  /  Tomy 1995
SLPS_910.10 ;  Sidewinder U.S.A.  /  Asmik/Pegasus Japan 1996
SLPS_910.11 ;  Mobile Suit Gundam  /  Bandai 1996
SLPS_910.12 ;  Classic Road  /  Victor 1996
SLPS_910.13 ;  Theme Park  /  Electronic Arts/Bullfrog 1995
SLPS_910.14 ;  Super Robot Wars II Scramble  /  Banpresto 1996
SLPS_910.15 ;  Choro Q v1.02  /  Takara 1996
SLPS_910.17 ;  Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22  /  Bandai 1996
SLPS_910.18 ;  Puzzle Bobble 2  /  Taito 1996
SLPS_910.19 ;  A.IV. Evolution Global  /  Artdink 1995
SLPS_910.20 ;  Tekken  /  Nacmo 1995
SLPS_910.21 ;  Drift King  /  Genki 1996
SLPS_910.22 ;  ?  /  Koei 1995
SLPS_910.23 ;  Myst  /  Softbank/Sunsoft/Cyan
SLPS_910.24 ;  Samurai Shodown 3  /  SNK 1995
SLPS_910.25 ;  The Game of Life DX  /  Takara/Link Research/Milton Bradley 1996
SLPS_910.26 ;  The King of Fighters 95  /  SNK 1995
SLPS_910.28 ;  Ridge Racer Revolution  /  Namco 1995
SLPS_910.29 ;  Persona  /  Atlus 1996
SLPS_910.31 ;  Cool Boarders  /  UEP 1996
SLPS_910.32 ;  OverBlood  /  Riverhillsoft 1996
SLPS_910.33 ;  Trap Simulation Game | "Tecmo's Deception" | Tecmo 1997
SLPS_910.34 ;  Wild, Pure, Simple Life | "Quest for the Sun"? | Artdink 1996
SLPS_910.35 ;  Dragon Ball Z Legends  /  Bandai 1997
SLPS_910.36 ;  Tetris X  /  Bullet-Proof Software 1997
SLPS_910.39 ;  ? | rpg? | Kodansha
SLPS_910.40 ;  Fish Eyes  /  Victor/Pack-In-Soft 1996
SLPS_910.41 ;  ? Max | driving | Atlus/Cave 1997
SLPS_910.42 ;  ? II  /  Koei 1996
SLPS_910.43 ;  Noel Not Digital | slps_.91043-4 | Pioneer 1996
SLPS_910.45 ;  Rockman 8  /  Capcom 1995
SLPS_910.46 ;  DX ? The Money Battle  /  Takara 1997
SLPS_910.47 ;  Nyan To Wonderful  /  Banpresto 1997
SLPS_910.48 ;  Mobile Suit Gundam v2.0  /  Bandai 1998
SLPS_910.49 ;  Tomb Raiders  /  Victor/Core 1997
SLPS_910.50 ;  RayStorm  /  Taito 1998
SLPS_910.51 ;  Bokan To Ippatsu! Doronboo  /  Banpresto
SLPS_910.52 ;  Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV  /  Koei 1995
SLPS_910.53 ;  Smash Court  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_910.54 ;  DX Nippon Tokkyu Ryokou Game | "Let's Travel In Japan" | Takara 1996
SLPS_910.55 ;  Tekken 2  /  Namco 1996
SLPS_910.56 ;  Clock Tower 2  /  Human 1998
SLPS_910.58 ;  Macross Digital Mission VF-X  /  Bandai/Big West/Emotion 1997
SLPS_910.59 ;  Runabout  /  Yanoman/Climax 1998
SLPS_910.60 ;  Lupin The 3rd Chateau De Cagliostro | slps_.91060~2 | Asmik/Ace 1997
SLPS_910.63 ;  ? The Fighting!  /  Kodansha 1998
SLPS_910.64 ;  Armored Core  /  From Software 1998
SLPS_910.65 ;  SD Gundam GCentury | PS the Best | Bandai 1998
SLPS_910.66 ;  Theme Park | PS the Best | Electronic Arts 1996
SLPS_910.67 ;  PAL | PS the Best | ? 1998
SLPS_910.69 ;  Shutokou Battle R | PS the Best | Genki 1997
SLPS_910.72 ;  D (complete graphics) | slps_.91072~4 PS the Best | Acclaim/Warp 1998
SLPS_910.75 ;  Puzzle Bobble 3DX | PS the Best | Taito 1997
SLPS_910.76 ;  Moonlight Syndrome | PS the Best | Human 1998
SLPS_910.79 ;  Dragon Ball Final Bout | PS the Best | Bandai 1998
SLPS_910.80 ;  Choro Q2 | PS the Best | Takara 1997
SLPS_910.82 ;  Winning Post 2 | PS the Best | Koei 1996


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